Diplomacy - Spring 1902
* Intro
* Spring 1901
* Fall 1901
My main alliance is set, but there is still much to discuss with Germany. We make our plot against England. I tell him I will make an attempt at London and that he should get his fleet in Kiel out to the Heligoland Bight so he can reach the North Sea in the fall. I also try to convince Russia to take that newly formed unit in St. Petersburg and march right into Norway. I also check in with Italy and make sure our neutrality pact is upheld. England sends me a message saying "That fleet in the channel makes it impossible for us to cooperate". I don't bother to reply.
North Sea MOVE Irish Sea -> Square iri is not reachable
Liverpool HOLD -> resolved
Norway SUPPORT North Sea to hold -> Supported order does not correspond
London MOVE Denmark -> Square den is not reachable
English Channel CONVOY Belgium to London -> resolved
Brest MOVE Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> resolved
Paris MOVE Picardy -> resolved
Spain HOLD -> resolved
Belgium MOVE London -> Bounced
Tunis MOVE Albania -> resolved
Ionian Sea CONVOY Tunis to Albania -> resolved
Trieste MOVE Serbia -> resolved
Venice HOLD -> resolved
Naples MOVE Tyrrhenian Sea -> resolved
Kiel MOVE Heligoland Bight -> resolved
Munich HOLD -> resolved
Ruhr MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Holland HOLD -> resolved
Denmark MOVE North Sea -> Bounced
Budapest SUPPORT Vienna to hold -> resolved
Vienna SUPPORT Budapest to Trieste -> Supported order does not correspond
Smyrna MOVE Eastern Mediterranean -> resolved
Greece MOVE Serbia -> Attack broken by a tri - ser
Aegean Sea CONVOY Constantinople to Greece -> resolved
Constantinople MOVE Greece -> Bounced
Sevastopol MOVE Black Sea -> resolved
Galicia MOVE Bohemia -> resolved
Sweden SUPPORT London to Denmark -> Supported unit has failed
Rumania SUPPORT Trieste to Serbia -> resolved
Warsaw MOVE Galicia -> resolved
St. Petersburg HOLD -> resolved

England fucks up his orders, again. He had Russian support into Denmark, and had he correctly ordered the North Sea to convoy the unit, I would've been able to march right into his precious capital. Also, I would have been able to hold it in the fall easily since he had no way of gaining it back. Germany meanwhile would have retreated his unit in Demark to the Baltic Sea and would have had three units to take it back in the fall, his A in Kiel and F in Heligoland Bight in addition to the retreated unit. Even with Russian support, England would have been forced out in the fall. Not a well thought out plan, but I can understand his desperation.
Elsewhere, it appears Austria is on his way out, but it doesn't look good for Turkey either. Russia has made his way into the Black Sea, which makes way for an alliance between him and Italy to pound the Ottoman Empire into an oblivion. Will be interesting to see who winds up with Bulgaria in the fall.
* Spring 1901
* Fall 1901
My main alliance is set, but there is still much to discuss with Germany. We make our plot against England. I tell him I will make an attempt at London and that he should get his fleet in Kiel out to the Heligoland Bight so he can reach the North Sea in the fall. I also try to convince Russia to take that newly formed unit in St. Petersburg and march right into Norway. I also check in with Italy and make sure our neutrality pact is upheld. England sends me a message saying "That fleet in the channel makes it impossible for us to cooperate". I don't bother to reply.
North Sea MOVE Irish Sea -> Square iri is not reachable
Liverpool HOLD -> resolved
Norway SUPPORT North Sea to hold -> Supported order does not correspond
London MOVE Denmark -> Square den is not reachable
English Channel CONVOY Belgium to London -> resolved
Brest MOVE Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> resolved
Paris MOVE Picardy -> resolved
Spain HOLD -> resolved
Belgium MOVE London -> Bounced
Tunis MOVE Albania -> resolved
Ionian Sea CONVOY Tunis to Albania -> resolved
Trieste MOVE Serbia -> resolved
Venice HOLD -> resolved
Naples MOVE Tyrrhenian Sea -> resolved
Kiel MOVE Heligoland Bight -> resolved
Munich HOLD -> resolved
Ruhr MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Holland HOLD -> resolved
Denmark MOVE North Sea -> Bounced
Budapest SUPPORT Vienna to hold -> resolved
Vienna SUPPORT Budapest to Trieste -> Supported order does not correspond
Smyrna MOVE Eastern Mediterranean -> resolved
Greece MOVE Serbia -> Attack broken by a tri - ser
Aegean Sea CONVOY Constantinople to Greece -> resolved
Constantinople MOVE Greece -> Bounced
Sevastopol MOVE Black Sea -> resolved
Galicia MOVE Bohemia -> resolved
Sweden SUPPORT London to Denmark -> Supported unit has failed
Rumania SUPPORT Trieste to Serbia -> resolved
Warsaw MOVE Galicia -> resolved
St. Petersburg HOLD -> resolved

England fucks up his orders, again. He had Russian support into Denmark, and had he correctly ordered the North Sea to convoy the unit, I would've been able to march right into his precious capital. Also, I would have been able to hold it in the fall easily since he had no way of gaining it back. Germany meanwhile would have retreated his unit in Demark to the Baltic Sea and would have had three units to take it back in the fall, his A in Kiel and F in Heligoland Bight in addition to the retreated unit. Even with Russian support, England would have been forced out in the fall. Not a well thought out plan, but I can understand his desperation.
Elsewhere, it appears Austria is on his way out, but it doesn't look good for Turkey either. Russia has made his way into the Black Sea, which makes way for an alliance between him and Italy to pound the Ottoman Empire into an oblivion. Will be interesting to see who winds up with Bulgaria in the fall.