
Hand #1117191
Hand #1117189
Hand #1117188
Hand #1117187

Hand #1117185

Too upset to discuss these hands except to say that when I had the set of Ts and got capped on the river it just had to be ace motherfucking king, didn't it? So I was too pissed to pay him off.

Go from 4.95 BB/100 to -2.77 BB/100 in one session. I worked too hard for this. I'm never going to get my chance, am I. Everybody else is a superstar. They get on ESPN and get to play in the Sunday Million and I never get to do any of those things. I can't even beat the motherfucking micro-limits. It's bullshit.

I play aggressive - I just end up spewing money to better hands

I slow down and play passive - it doesn't work, I end up paying off better hands or folding the best hand.

I don't know what to do anymore. I've been playing for 2 years and I can't move up. I don't know what it is. I think I play well enough. These donkeys just cold call all day and get lucky. It just sucks.


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