Sunday Night Freeroll

Pretty interesting hand about 20 minutes in:

I am in the SB with 87, pot is limped to the button and I go to check the call 25 button but when I go to check the box button has raised to 225 and I end up hitting the call button instead. BB folds and an EP limper calls who has been playing almost every hand. Flop comes 954 and it is checked to the button who makes a weak-ass bet of 362 into 725. I put him on whiffed overs (AJ/AQ/AK/KQ) and decide with only 1195 behind that I need to make a stand here and contend for the pot. The early position player folds but button tanks for about 10 seconds then calls with A4. So the specific read was off but I knew he was weak on the flop, that's what matters. Turn comes the sweet 6 and just for good measure the 4 comes on the river to give him trips. Immediately after the hand the table breaks so he doesn't even get a chance to berate my play, HA!

Have to wait for the cutoff to play a hand at the new table and I get dealt QQ. blinds are 30/60 at this point and after 3 limpers I make it 450 to go and of course UTG calls like it's nothing and shoves for 2200 on an Axx flop and I'm forced to fold.

Lose some chips after that but get some momentum back when I have QJ in the CO and limp in behind 2 other limpers (blinds 50/100-10 ante now). SB completes and BB checks so it's 5 ways to the flop of J84. Checked to the cutoff who bets pot (590) and I refuse to give him credit for a big hand here and shove. Folded back to him and he tanks but calls with K7. Turn and river brick and I get a key double up.

An orbit later I get AK in the cutoff and UTG+1 who I've played with before and have pegged as a donk limps in for 120 (at 60/120-15) and I raise to 400. I know he's going to call for 600 as easily as 400 so I didn't want to commit more chips with AK. Flop comes K86. He checks, I bet 800 into the 1100 or so and now he shoves for 2200 total. I insta-call but he turns over 66 for a set and it holds up. Nothing I could do there on the flop; he's jamming there with too many hands I am ahead of to consider folding especially given the pot size.

Get moved again and I get dealt 99 in the cutoff first hand with blinds of 100/200 with a 25 ante. I have 2100 left but UTG opens for the pot, another player calls and I decide that I'm either even money with UTG or a big dog, even though I'd have a chance to triple up because the player who called only had about 800 behind and was probably not folding. But I respect the UTG raise and fold. However it is the BB who puts in a pot-sized reraise and UTG ends up folding anyhow. The other player called with T7 and the BB had queens, board bricks out and the other player gets eliminated while I get to stay in the tournament. Had KK a few hands later to take the blinds but have not been in a pot since. At the break sitting with 1750 of my original 2000 stack and blinds soon to be 200/400 with a 50 ante so need to make a move soon.

First hand after the break I'm in the BB with A9♣ and decide I'm going to go with it but instead I get a walk. Very next hand the SB is all-in as he does not even have enough to post and I'm sitting in the BB with K♡5♡. Button who is a big-stack minraises and I defend hoping to catch something on the flop and go with it. Flop comes down A54 and I check, he bets enough to put me all-in and I deliberate but fold. He turns over A♣5♣ for flopped two pair. Very next hand the same big stack limps in the cutoff and I consider shoving my Q2 but end up folding and it's a good thing because he ended up getting all-in with the BB and he had QT♠ (and flopped two pair again to bust the other player).

Get dealt some awful hands after that and have no choice but to fold even with the escalating antes eating my stack. Finally get dealt something in the neighborhood of good enough to move in with and with first in vigorish, even though I have only 1200 left with blinds at 250/500-60. So I know I'm at least getting called by the BB but shove my K4 in the HJ and the CO calls right behind me and the BB also calls. Flop comes J98 giving me little hope. BB actually bet 500 and got a call. Turn comes 4♠ to give me a pair but figure I need to improve to at least kings up to realistically win the hand. Another 500 bet by the BB and call by the CO. River comes 2 and they check it down, and the BB reveals Q♠J♠ and I'm gone.

Finished 93rd out of 411, not really disappointed in the result as I figured I should have been out a lot earlier. Had too many hands where I limped in or completed with speculative cards and maybe shouldn't be doing that past the 3rd or 4th level when I'm below the starting stack especially. I think I bled too many chips early on that way. Still displeased with my misclick but I still love my postflop play in that hands and the great read that I made. Just glad the site rewarded me on that hand by giving me the gutterball; but I was only a 3:2 dog when the money went in so not that big of a suckout. But lesson learned on hitting auto-complete; from now on I'm waiting until it's my turn to act before clicking anything. Just glad I made this mistake in a freeroll tourney and not a cash game.


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