Every Hand Revealed

Of a heads-up $.05/$.10 PLO session. I buy-in for $4, villain has $10.

Villain wins the high card and is the button on the first hand.

Hand 1:
Villain raises to $.30 and I fold 7♡7♠4♡2♠ in the BB. No info on this player and didn't want to play this out of position.  

Hand 2:
I am dealt A♢A♣2♢2♣ and raise to $.30, hoping to get some action. However villain folds in the BB.

Hand 3:
Villain once again raises to $.30 from the button. I get my 3rd double-s00ted hand in a row of Q♠6♠T♢4♢ and figuring now that villain will raise liberally from the button, I do decide to defend and call for $.20 more.

With $.60 in the pot, we see a flop of J♡6♡9♣, giving me an open-ended straight draw. I do elect to check however and he checks behind. Turn comes 8♡ giving me the straight but putting a possible flush out there. I figure he would have c-bet with the flush draw however and I bet $.45 into $.60. Villain folds.

Hand 4:
I pick up A♡A♠T♣4♠ and limp, hoping to reraise. However villain just checks. Flop comes 4♣4♡6♣ giving me trip 4s. He checks, I bet pot ($.20) and he folds.

Hand 5:
Villain raises for the 3rd straight time on the button and I defend in the BB with A♠8♠T♢6♣. Flop comes 9♣4♡3♢ and I check. Villain bets $.42 into $.60 and I give it up.

Hand 6:
I limp with K♣Q♠3♣2♣, villain checks. Flop comes K♢5♢K♡. We both check (which I'm assuming is an acceptable play in a HU game). Turn is the 8♡ and he checks to me again. I can no longer sit on this hand and bet $.15 into $.20. He folds.

Hand 7:
For the 4th time villain raises to $.30 on the button. I call with A♢K♡T♣3♠. Flop comes 5♣4♣2♠ giving me the 2nd nuts. I check and he checks. Turn 9♢ and I bet $.45 into $.60. He folds.

That would be the last hand of this heads-up match as he sits out and then types in the chat "buyin full". I decline to do so and leave the table with a $.46 profit.

I do however get into a juicy $.10/$.25 NLHE with one wild player and buy-in for $10. The player was two seats to my right and was basically playing every pot, mostly limping in but sometimes raising. He 4-bet shoved 4♠3♠ and ran into another player's AA, of course cracking them when he flopped a 4 and rivered another 4.

I was in two pots with him. He limped from UTG (6-handed) and I wake up with KK. I figured I'd raise big because he doesn't seem like someone who is going to fold. I figure I'm going to have to gamble this hand as I might be all-in with him (albeit as a favorite). It folds back to him and he decides to muck. Blah.

An orbit later he's UTG+1 and raises to $.85. I have A♣Q♣ and flat call. We're heads up to the flop which is A♠4♣5♡. He checks and I check right behind him, hoping he'll rep the ace on the turn. I get a very nice looking 8♣ on the turn to pick up a flush draw just in case my top pair 2nd kicker is behind. He checks again and I fire for about 2/3 the pot. He folds. Sigh. 

A few hands later he busts against another player on a 89TJx board with a naked queen vs another player's KQ and declines to rebuy. I play one more orbit and leave the table as the other players were pretty decent and I am under-rolled for this game. 


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