Jumped into a $.02/$.04 shorthanded PLO game. 3 other players. Here's what happened.

3rd hand in I'm OTB with AQ88. First player limps, I limp behind, and the blinds play as well in an unraised pot. Flop comes K98♠. Checks to me and I bet pot ($.16) with bottom set and the nut flush redraw. Only the BB calls. Turn J. BB checks, I pot it for $.48, and now BB puts me in for my final $1.20 behind. Puke. Did he really call me with a motherfucking gutshot that got there? Even a wrap draw is terrible on this flop with the two flush out there. I do call and he rolls over Q♣J♣J♠9♣. Seriously, what the fuck? River is the K♠ and I'm down a buy-in. 84% equity on the flop, grrrrr.

Rebuy for another $2 and an orbit later get AA♣43 in the SB. First player limps, button raises to $.18 and I reraise to $.60. Easy reraise as I am able to get about 1/3rd of my stack in (started hand with $1.86) and I am first to act after the flop so I am able to shove without getting bet into and blown off the hand, as is usually the case when I have naked aces in this game. The button calls and the flop comes T♣6♣5♠ and I insta-shove for my remaining $1.24. Button tanks and while doing so I wonder what kind of garbage hand he was going to call and then outdraw me with, but he folds with 1 second left in his time bank. Maybe he had a flush draw there; I think any two pair or better calls me easily. I collect the pot.

An orbit later I'm in the SB again with  KQJ4♣ and complete after the first player to act open-limps and the button folds. BB checks and it's 3 players to a flop of AKT which of course is gin for me. I do decide to check and let one of my opponents stab at it, and the cutoff player obliges with a pot sized bet of $.12. I decide to just flat call with the intention of raising a blank turn. I figure BB for maybe two pair and/or a draw to a flush or straight. BB folds and the turn is a blank, 6♣. I check and he checks behind. Questionable play by me here, but I did think he'd bet again to protect his hand if he had two pair. River 2 and I still have the nuts.

I decide I can't check-raise and risk winning nothing with this hand, so I bet pot. I'm hoping he will put me on a busted flush draw and call, but he does one better and raises to $1.44! I insta-shove for $2.23 total and he calls. I figure we might be chopping but he mucks J♣T♣9♠8♠! Really disguised my straight very well with my check-check-pot line and he felt compelled to try to run me over and instead of giving up after the shove elected to call anyway with his 3rd pair. Good stuff.

Won 1 more decent sized pot with a flush and had to go take care of something so left the game with a profit of $1.91. Overall I think I played quite well and feel like I'm getting better at this game.


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