Losing Session

Played in a $10NL game for about 2 hours. Bought in for $5 and was down to $4.33 when I am dealt A♣Q♢ 3rd to act in an 8-handed game. 2nd to act raises to $.35, I flat, player to my immediate left flats, as do the button and BB. Flop comes A76♢. It is checked to me and I bet $1.25 into $1.85. Player to my immediate left calls and now the button raises to $3.76. The two players in between fold and it's back to me. At this point I'm not really liking my hand too much but figure there are too many flush draw/straight draw combos that might be screwing around that I have to put my final $2.98 in so I do so. Player to my immediate left shoves for $8.40 and the button calls. 3 way all-in pot. The button of course has 77♢ and the button has J♠2♠. Turn 3♣, river useless Q♡ and I'm down a buy-in. Had no history with either player but since a lot of people on this site are sportsbook players that just want to gamble in these games, I can't get away from this hand. But wondering if I can play it better. Can't really see myself re-raising with AQ against an EP raise to thin the field, but calling allowed more players in. Maybe I should just be checking this flop and only firing on the turn 

Rebought and started to climb back. Defended my BB with 87♢ against a $.35 raise from a MP player after the button called. Flop came J82♢. I check, preflop raiser checks, and button bets $.55. I elect to take one off with my middle pair and the preflop raiser mucks. Turn comes Jand goes check-check. I figure I'm ahead. 7on the river which would have been helpful if the board had not paired, but it goes check-check again and I beat his AK♡. So I got away with playing that out of position. That would be by biggest pot of the night.

Another hand I was in the BB and we were 4 handed at this point. Button min-raises to $.20 and I defend for $.10 with K5♣. Flop comes down AJ3♠ and I check. He makes a weak-ass bet of $.28 and I raise to $.90. He folds. 

Another hand against this player I have AA♢ and I elect to call his raise from the SB as a maniac had now occupied the seat to my left and was open-shoving a lot of hands and wanting to gamble. So I was hoping for a squeeze, but he just calls out of the BB and it's 3 of us to a flop of T38♢. It's checked to the preflop raiser who bets $.50 and I elect to make it $2 more. Both players fold. 

Tried playing a few pots with the maniac but he kept putting me all-in if I entered a pot vs. him (one time open-limping from the SB and another time when I raised of course with the worst hand in my range so couldn't call. Ended up limping on the button with JJ vs him, and of course he just completes and the BB checks. End up calling a small flop, turn and river bet from him on an A-high board (BB folded flop) and take it down against his 3rd pair. Next hand I get AJ♡ and open-limp again, he limps behind from the button, the SB completes, and the BB checks. Flop comes A73♡, it is checked to the maniac who bets $.40. Folded to me and I call. Turn 3♠ , check-check, and river K♣, check-check again. Was hoping he'd make another bet but I could have probably bet that river. He had 74♠. 

Left after that as I felt my mind wasn't completely in the game managing to win close to 1/2 a buyin back. 


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