
Showing posts from August, 2016


Jumped into a $.02/$.04 shorthanded PLO game. 3 other players. Here's what happened. 3rd hand in I'm OTB with A ♦ Q ♦ 8 ♦ 8 ♥ . First player limps, I limp behind, and the blinds play as well in an unraised pot. Flop comes K ♦ 9 ♦ 8♠. Checks to me and I bet pot ($.16) with bottom set and the nut flush redraw. Only the BB calls. Turn J ♥ . BB checks, I pot it for $.48, and now BB puts me in for my final $1.20 behind. Puke. Did he really call me with a motherfucking gutshot that got there? Even a wrap draw is terrible on this flop with the two flush out there. I do call and he rolls over Q♣J♣J♠9♣. Seriously, what the fuck? River is the K♠ and I'm down a buy-in. 84% equity on the flop, grrrrr. Rebuy for another $2 and an orbit later get A ♥ A♣4 ♦ 3 ♦ in the SB. First player limps, button raises to $.18 and I reraise to $.60. Easy reraise as I am able to get about 1/3rd of my stack in (started hand with $1.86) and I am first to act after the flop so I am able to shove witho

Sunday Night Freeroll

Pretty interesting hand about 20 minutes in: I am in the SB with 8 ♥ 7 ♠ , pot is limped to the button and I go to check the call 25 button but when I go to check the box button has raised to 225 and I end up hitting the call button instead. BB folds and an EP limper calls who has been playing almost every hand. Flop comes 9 ♥ 5 ♣ 4 ♥ and it is checked to the button who makes a weak-ass bet of 362 into 725. I put him on whiffed overs (AJ/AQ/AK/KQ) and decide with only 1195 behind that I need to make a stand here and contend for the pot. The early position player folds but button tanks for about 10 seconds then calls with A ♠ 4 ♠ . So the specific read was off but I knew he was weak on the flop, that's what matters. Turn comes the sweet 6 ♦ and just for good measure the 4 ♣ comes on the river to give him trips. Immediately after the hand the table breaks so he doesn't even get a chance to berate my play, HA! Have to wait for the cutoff to play a hand at the new table and

Losing Session

Played in a $10NL game for about 2 hours. Bought in for $5 and was down to $4.33 when I am dealt A ♣Q ♢ 3rd to act in an 8-handed game. 2nd to act raises to $.35, I flat, player to my immediate left flats, as do the button and BB. Flop comes A ♠ 7 ♠ 6 ♢. It is checked to me and I bet $1.25 into $1.85. Player to my immediate left calls and now the button raises to $3.76. The two players in between fold and it's back to me. At this point I'm not really liking my hand too much but figure there are too many flush draw/straight draw combos that might be screwing around that I have to put my final $2.98 in so I do so. Player to my immediate left shoves for $8.40 and the button calls. 3 way all-in pot. The button of course has 7 ♣ 7 ♢ and the button has J ♠2 ♠. Turn 3 ♣, river useless Q ♡ and I'm down a buy-in. Had no history with either player but since a lot of people on this site are sportsbook players that just want to gamble in these games, I can't get away from this hand

Every Hand Revealed

Of a heads-up $.05/$.10 PLO session. I buy-in for $4, villain has $10. Villain wins the high card and is the button on the first hand. Hand 1: Villain raises to $.30 and I fold 7♡7♠4♡2♠ in the BB. No info on this player and didn't want to play this out of position.   Hand 2: I am dealt A♢A♣2♢2♣ and raise to $.30, hoping to get some action. However villain folds in the BB. Hand 3: Villain once again raises to $.30 from the button. I get my 3rd double-s00ted hand in a row of Q♠6♠T♢4♢ and figuring now that villain will raise liberally from the button, I do decide to defend and call for $.20 more. With $.60 in the pot, we see a flop of J♡6♡9♣, giving me an open-ended straight draw. I do elect to check however and he checks behind. Turn comes 8♡ giving me the straight but putting a possible flush out there. I figure he would have c-bet with the flush draw however and I bet $.45 into $.60. Villain folds. Hand 4: I pick up A♡A♠T♣4♠ and limp, hoping to reraise. However vi


Made back-to-back deep runs with a 21st finish in the Sunday Freeroll (out of 391 entrants). No suckouts tonight, just happened to get it in with the best hand and have it hold up. Early on had KK UTG raised to 90 with 15/30 blinds. UTG+1 calls and the next player re-raises to 405. Folded to BB who calls! I shove, UTG+1 folds and the re-raiser calls all-in (I have him covered). BB folds and my kings hold up against J9. LOL freerolls. Another hand I had 99 in EP after getting moved to another table. I raise to 2.5BBs which I've been getting away with against most of these players that play in this because they don't seem to treat a 2.5BB raise any different than a 4BB raise; they'll either like their hand and play or fold it. So I actually stole a few blinds doing that. Anyway a LP raiser reraises all-in for not that much more and the BB decides to cold call. I shove on top of the BB but he decides to call all in with 5♢4♢. The other player had AJo and flopped an ace, but

One time, in a freeroll.....

Played the $50 GPP freeroll tonight. Cost a mere 1GPP to get in which is nothing (I have over 1700 of 'em with a pretty light playing schedule). However it is a rebuy tournament where rebuys and add-ons cost $.10 each. Actually registered late for this and decided what the hell, I'll give it a shot with the free entry, planning on not rebuying because I got it confused with another tourney and thought rebuys were $3. Lost half my stack early on when I'm in the BB with AK and I raise against the SB's open-limp and c-bet the flop and have to check back the turn and fold the river on a wet board. Go card dead after that and figure it's going to be a short night. However, we get to the end of the rebuy period and it asks me if I want to take the add-on. For $.10 I'd get 3000 in chips so I take it. Not long after I get moved to another table, there were about 35 left of the original 52 runners. I'm still pretty card dead, having yet to win a sing


Found an interesting tournament on DragonRoom. Every night there is a NL Omaha rebuy tournament for $.50+$.05. I've noticed they get a few players and it ends up running. I ended up late-registering for the tournament and it was four handed. I had a starting stack of 1500 but 2 of the 3 players had close to that with 1 player having about 3000, so not in bad shape at all. Blinds were 15/30. First hand I'm in the BB with J♠J♢3♠3♢ and get a free play after 2 limpers. Flop comes down K♠Q♠6♠ and I flop the 2nd nuts. I pot it and get raised pot. I decide to play it slow and call the raise, and the turn goes check-check. Make a 3/4 pot value bet on the river and get called by 66xx. I continue to take down some smallish type pots but the other players get all-in against each other and we go to 2 handed just before the rebuy period ends (which is only 1/2 hour into the tournament). Strangely neither busted player decided to rebuy, but someone must have before I joined since there wer

Another decent run

Tried playing again this week but no action going on Dragonroom until tonight. Found a $.05/$.10 6-max game that I was able to buy-in for $5. Table was a little wild; I think this site is connected to a sportsbook so I think that's where the player pool was coming from. Lot of loose raises and all-ins. Played very tight and only saw 3 flops out of 45 hands. After being very card dead picked up A♣Q♣ second to act. UTG limps and I decide to limp behind. I don't mind seeing this pot multiway and I feel like I have a good read of the table and can make good decisions post-flop and get value there. The cutoff player limps, button folds, and the SB raises to $.60. BB and the first limper call. Back to me and with the limpers I now decide to shove for my last $4.20. I pegged SB as a donk so not giving him credit for a good hand here. If he's raising 12% of his hands (77+,A9s+,KTs+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KJo+) I'm a 55:45 favorite and with $1.50 in the pot at this point I'm happy

6 years later

It's been about 6 years since my last post and wasn't much really to post about. I recently started re-reading some of the older posts on this blog and figured since it was still up, why not do an update? So here's a recap of the last 5 years. The last post in 2010 was the last time I've played any type of live poker. I was still playing sparingly online and had money on both Stars and Full Tilt. Then Black Friday came in 2011 and that all but ended online poker for me for awhile. At that point I lost interest in it since there were no local live games and tournaments and even though a few people had told me about the cardrooms in NH I didn't feel like it was worth my time (limit games and tourney's only and I felt it was very hard if not impossible to overcome the rake). In addition I felt my game had really declined and I wasn't able to keep up with what I would call the "modern game" of putting in multiple bets and raises before the flop. So