Jumped into a $.02/$.04 shorthanded PLO game. 3 other players. Here's what happened. 3rd hand in I'm OTB with A ♦ Q ♦ 8 ♦ 8 ♥ . First player limps, I limp behind, and the blinds play as well in an unraised pot. Flop comes K ♦ 9 ♦ 8♠. Checks to me and I bet pot ($.16) with bottom set and the nut flush redraw. Only the BB calls. Turn J ♥ . BB checks, I pot it for $.48, and now BB puts me in for my final $1.20 behind. Puke. Did he really call me with a motherfucking gutshot that got there? Even a wrap draw is terrible on this flop with the two flush out there. I do call and he rolls over Q♣J♣J♠9♣. Seriously, what the fuck? River is the K♠ and I'm down a buy-in. 84% equity on the flop, grrrrr. Rebuy for another $2 and an orbit later get A ♥ A♣4 ♦ 3 ♦ in the SB. First player limps, button raises to $.18 and I reraise to $.60. Easy reraise as I am able to get about 1/3rd of my stack in (started hand with $1.86) and I am first to act after the flop so I am able to shove witho...