Diplomacy - Spring 1905
Time for another update.
* Intro
* Spring 1901
* Fall 1901
* Spring 1902
* Fall 1902
* Spring 1903
* Fall 1903
* Spring 1904
* Fall 1904
After stabbing my only ally, I go back to Russia and offer him support. I tell him that I will help him achieve a solo victory. I was a little sour towards Italy since he is attacking me in the south so I was happy to have Russia win instead of an Italian victory or Russia/Italy split win. However, I still wasn't conceding defeat at this point. I figured if Russia could get up to 15-16 centers, I could go back to Italy and say "Hey, if we don't work together Russia is going to win."
Anyway, Russia asks for support into the North Sea and I agree to give it to him.
Edinburgh MOVE North Sea -> Attack broken by f nwy - nth
Wales MOVE London -> Bounced
Burgundy HOLD -> resolved
English Channel SUPPORT Norway to North Sea -> resolved
Mid-Atlantic Ocean SUPPORT Marseilles to Spain (South Coast) -> resolved
Marseilles MOVE Spain (South Coast) -> resolved
London HOLD -> resolved
Belgium HOLD -> resolved
Spain MOVE Portugal -> resolved
Munich MOVE Burgundy -> Bounced
Kiel MOVE Ruhr -> resolved
Western Mediterranean CONVOY Tunis to Spain -> resolved
Piedmont MOVE Marseilles -> resolved
Venice MOVE Piedmont -> resolved
Gulf of Lyons SUPPORT Piedmont to Marseilles -> resolved
Aegean Sea SUPPORT Constantinople to Smyrna -> resolved
Rome MOVE Tuscany -> resolved
Constantinople MOVE Smyrna -> resolved
Tunis MOVE Spain -> Attack broken by f mar - spa.sc
Ionian Sea MOVE Tyrrhenian Sea -> resolved
North Sea MOVE Skagerrack -> resolved
Denmark MOVE Sweden -> resolved
Smyrna MOVE Constantinople -> Attack broken by a con - smy
Norway MOVE North Sea -> resolved
Sevastopol MOVE Rumania -> resolved
Silesia MOVE Munich -> resolved
Berlin MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Skagerrack MOVE Denmark -> resolved
Rumania MOVE Bulgaria -> resolved
Baltic Sea SUPPORT Skagerrack to Denmark -> resolved
Clyde MOVE Liverpool -> resolved
Vienna MOVE Trieste -> resolved
Bohemia SUPPORT Silesia to Munich -> resolved
Ankara MOVE Constantinople -> resolved

Russia goes ahead and moves in on Italy, stabbing him in 5 places. That ends any possibility of a split victory. Good move by him, striking at the perfect time. He may be able to win this in the next move before Italy and I can respond.
Meanwhile Italy stabs me in Marseilles. Nothing I could do, had to concede one center to him.
Munich RETREAT Tyrolia -> resolved
Smyrna RETREAT Eastern Mediterranean -> resolved

* Intro
* Spring 1901
* Fall 1901
* Spring 1902
* Fall 1902
* Spring 1903
* Fall 1903
* Spring 1904
* Fall 1904
After stabbing my only ally, I go back to Russia and offer him support. I tell him that I will help him achieve a solo victory. I was a little sour towards Italy since he is attacking me in the south so I was happy to have Russia win instead of an Italian victory or Russia/Italy split win. However, I still wasn't conceding defeat at this point. I figured if Russia could get up to 15-16 centers, I could go back to Italy and say "Hey, if we don't work together Russia is going to win."
Anyway, Russia asks for support into the North Sea and I agree to give it to him.
Edinburgh MOVE North Sea -> Attack broken by f nwy - nth
Wales MOVE London -> Bounced
Burgundy HOLD -> resolved
English Channel SUPPORT Norway to North Sea -> resolved
Mid-Atlantic Ocean SUPPORT Marseilles to Spain (South Coast) -> resolved
Marseilles MOVE Spain (South Coast) -> resolved
London HOLD -> resolved
Belgium HOLD -> resolved
Spain MOVE Portugal -> resolved
Munich MOVE Burgundy -> Bounced
Kiel MOVE Ruhr -> resolved
Western Mediterranean CONVOY Tunis to Spain -> resolved
Piedmont MOVE Marseilles -> resolved
Venice MOVE Piedmont -> resolved
Gulf of Lyons SUPPORT Piedmont to Marseilles -> resolved
Aegean Sea SUPPORT Constantinople to Smyrna -> resolved
Rome MOVE Tuscany -> resolved
Constantinople MOVE Smyrna -> resolved
Tunis MOVE Spain -> Attack broken by f mar - spa.sc
Ionian Sea MOVE Tyrrhenian Sea -> resolved
North Sea MOVE Skagerrack -> resolved
Denmark MOVE Sweden -> resolved
Smyrna MOVE Constantinople -> Attack broken by a con - smy
Norway MOVE North Sea -> resolved
Sevastopol MOVE Rumania -> resolved
Silesia MOVE Munich -> resolved
Berlin MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Skagerrack MOVE Denmark -> resolved
Rumania MOVE Bulgaria -> resolved
Baltic Sea SUPPORT Skagerrack to Denmark -> resolved
Clyde MOVE Liverpool -> resolved
Vienna MOVE Trieste -> resolved
Bohemia SUPPORT Silesia to Munich -> resolved
Ankara MOVE Constantinople -> resolved
Russia goes ahead and moves in on Italy, stabbing him in 5 places. That ends any possibility of a split victory. Good move by him, striking at the perfect time. He may be able to win this in the next move before Italy and I can respond.
Meanwhile Italy stabs me in Marseilles. Nothing I could do, had to concede one center to him.
Munich RETREAT Tyrolia -> resolved
Smyrna RETREAT Eastern Mediterranean -> resolved
Seeing a one-time shot to take 6-7 centers and set myself up for the win, I pulled the trigger and stabbed Italy, taking 5 centers and setting myself up to take two more by fall for the win.
Tough to do. Italy was a great guy to work with, and I enjoyed our frequent messages. The hard part is trying to keep your messages and style consistent before pulling the trigger on a huge stab like that. Some people get quiet, and it's a tip off that something is about to happen. So you have to keep sending press, keep planning moves that you know you'll never make.
In the end, the stab works out. He doesn't see it coming, and I'm pretty sure I can coast to 18 centers.
There was some doubt in my mind about 18 due to the German's unpredicted moves in Sweden/Norway. This would be a disaster to hit 17 and stall, as my Italian friend will certainly turn on me. After some looking at the map, I figure out a way to take Sweden back and limit him from taking Norway.