Diplomacy - Fall 1905

* Intro

* Spring 1901

* Fall 1901

* Spring 1902

* Fall 1902

* Spring 1903

* Fall 1903

* Spring 1904

* Fall 1904

* Spring 1905

Yeah, about that....

Every player is on his own at this point. I am fighting Italy, but don't want Russia to win the game. Italy is now fighting Russia, but in the process of stabbing me also. Meanwhile Russia is on his way to a solo victory, so he clearly benefits from this arrangement.

I just have a wait and see approach. If Russia makes it to 18 centers by this turn, good game. If not, I'll see if I could get Italy to ally against him. Truth be told, I didn't mind if Russia ended it here though. It would be a long fight ahead, and if my citizens were still speaking en francais at the end, that's good enough.

Edinburgh MOVE Norwegian Sea -> resolved
Wales MOVE Liverpool -> Bounced

Burgundy MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced
English Channel HOLD -> resolved
Mid-Atlantic Ocean MOVE North Africa -> Bounced
Spain (South Coast) HOLD -> Retreat
London MOVE Yorkshire -> resolved
Belgium SUPPORT North Sea to Holland -> Supported ordre does not correspond
Portugal SUPPORT Spain (South Coast) to hold -> Supported unit has failed

Tyrolia MOVE Venice -> resolved
Ruhr MOVE Holland -> resolved
Western Mediterranean SUPPORT Marseilles to Spain -> resolved
Marseilles MOVE Spain -> resolved
Piedmont MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced
Gulf of Lyons SUPPORT Marseilles to Spain -> resolved
Aegean Sea MOVE Constantinople -> resolved
Tuscany SUPPORT Tyrolia to Venice -> resolved
Smyrna SUPPORT Aegean Sea to Constantinople -> resolved
Tunis MOVE North Africa -> Bounced
Tyrrhenian Sea SUPPORT Western Mediterranean to hold -> resolved

Skagerrack MOVE Norway -> Bounced
Sweden SUPPORT Skagerrack to Norway -> Support cut by f bal - swe

Eastern Mediterranean HOLD -> resolved

North Sea MOVE Norway -> Bounced
Rumania MOVE Serbia -> resolved
Munich SUPPORT Kiel to hold -> resolved
Kiel SUPPORT Munich to hold -> resolved
Denmark SUPPORT Baltic Sea to Sweden -> resolved
Bulgaria MOVE Constantinople -> Attack broken by f aeg - con
Baltic Sea MOVE Sweden -> resolved
Liverpool HOLD -> resolved
Trieste MOVE Vienna -> Bounced
Bohemia MOVE Vienna -> Bounced
Constantinople MOVE Ankara -> resolved

Well that's it. Russia successfully gets the German centers in SWE and DEN to seal the deal. Italy takes Spain as a consolation prize, but Russia has his 18 centers. Russia really played well. He forged a strong alliance with Italy, conquered over 1/2 the map with him, and then stabbed him at the right time. In the end there was really nothing anyone could do. GG Matt, well done.

Final Map:


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