Diplomacy - Spring 1904
* Intro
* Spring 1901
* Fall 1901
* Spring 1902
* Fall 1902
* Spring 1903
* Fall 1903
Wanted to update this earlier, especially with some added insight, but it's been a busy week. Here goes.
I have a tough decision to make at this point. Russia contacts me and tries to persuade me to grab a few German centers while I can. Meanwhile, I maintain contact with Germany and try to put a plan together, while I'm thinking about stabbing him. The other option is helping him regain a few of his centers and setting the Italian back while Russia grows. That way we may be able to form a 3-way alliance against Russia to stop him from winning outright. Also, while that is going on I still have to worry about Italy in the south.
Edinburgh MOVE North Sea -> Attack broken by f lon - nth
Liverpool HOLD -> resolved
English Channel SUPPORT London to North Sea -> resolved
Irish Sea MOVE Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> resolved
Burgundy SUPPORT Bohemia to Munich -> resolved
Spain MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced
Belgium MOVE Ruhr -> resolved
Wales HOLD -> resolved
Aegean Sea SUPPORT Bulgaria to Constantinople -> resolved
Piedmont MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced
Naples MOVE Tyrrhenian Sea -> resolved
Western Mediterranean MOVE Spain (South Coast) -> Bounced
Munich MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Venice MOVE Tyrolia -> resolved
Albania HOLD -> resolved
Bulgaria MOVE Constantinople -> resolved
Greece MOVE Ionian Sea -> resolved
Denmark SUPPORT Kiel to hold -> Support cut by f bal - den
Kiel HOLD -> Retreat
Bohemia MOVE Munich -> resolved
London MOVE North Sea -> resolved
Constantinople SUPPORT Smyrna to hold -> Support cut by a bul - con
Smyrna SUPPORT Constantinople to hold -> Supported unit has failed
St. Petersburg (North Coast) MOVE Norway -> resolved
Warsaw MOVE Silesia -> resolved
Berlin SUPPORT Munich to Kiel -> resolved
Norway MOVE Skagerrack -> resolved
Ankara SUPPORT Bulgaria to Constantinople -> resolved
Clyde SUPPORT Liverpool to hold -> resolved
Budapest MOVE Galicia -> resolved
Rumania HOLD -> resolved
Baltic Sea MOVE Denmark -> Bounced
Vienna MOVE Bohemia -> resolved
Moscow MOVE Sevastopol -> resolved

The good news is that I'm able to hold Italy in the South for at least this move. I am able to stop two of his units with a single unit. I move SPA-MAR, which bounces with his PIE-MAR, and gets sent back to Spain to bounce his WMS-SPA. This is an example of where the poker aspect of Diplomacy comes in. I had to try and guess where Italy is moving based on his prior movements and tendencies (which would be the equivalent of putting your opponent on a hand/range of hands based on prior actions). I guessed he would probably go for Marseilles and move WMS-GoL. I didn't think he'd try for Spain since he would probably put me on moving BUR-MAR and SPA-hold (hey, second level thinking in Diplomacy!).
That was pretty much the only good news unfortunately. Germany did regain Munich with my help, but the Italian army simply moved on to Kiel. Italy and Russia wisely assume that Germany and I would try to take Munich back, so diverted to Kiel while surrounding Munich with Italian and Russian armies. The center will be impossible to hold in the fall.
I again have to revisit the tough decsion regarding stabbing my only ally. It's becoming more likely Germany will be eliminated, so should I take what I can or just stay with him until the end? Neither option is ideal.
Kiel RETREAT Holland -> resolved
Constantinople RETREAT Black Sea -> resolved
* Spring 1901
* Fall 1901
* Spring 1902
* Fall 1902
* Spring 1903
* Fall 1903
Wanted to update this earlier, especially with some added insight, but it's been a busy week. Here goes.
I have a tough decision to make at this point. Russia contacts me and tries to persuade me to grab a few German centers while I can. Meanwhile, I maintain contact with Germany and try to put a plan together, while I'm thinking about stabbing him. The other option is helping him regain a few of his centers and setting the Italian back while Russia grows. That way we may be able to form a 3-way alliance against Russia to stop him from winning outright. Also, while that is going on I still have to worry about Italy in the south.
Edinburgh MOVE North Sea -> Attack broken by f lon - nth
Liverpool HOLD -> resolved
English Channel SUPPORT London to North Sea -> resolved
Irish Sea MOVE Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> resolved
Burgundy SUPPORT Bohemia to Munich -> resolved
Spain MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced
Belgium MOVE Ruhr -> resolved
Wales HOLD -> resolved
Aegean Sea SUPPORT Bulgaria to Constantinople -> resolved
Piedmont MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced
Naples MOVE Tyrrhenian Sea -> resolved
Western Mediterranean MOVE Spain (South Coast) -> Bounced
Munich MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Venice MOVE Tyrolia -> resolved
Albania HOLD -> resolved
Bulgaria MOVE Constantinople -> resolved
Greece MOVE Ionian Sea -> resolved
Denmark SUPPORT Kiel to hold -> Support cut by f bal - den
Kiel HOLD -> Retreat
Bohemia MOVE Munich -> resolved
London MOVE North Sea -> resolved
Constantinople SUPPORT Smyrna to hold -> Support cut by a bul - con
Smyrna SUPPORT Constantinople to hold -> Supported unit has failed
St. Petersburg (North Coast) MOVE Norway -> resolved
Warsaw MOVE Silesia -> resolved
Berlin SUPPORT Munich to Kiel -> resolved
Norway MOVE Skagerrack -> resolved
Ankara SUPPORT Bulgaria to Constantinople -> resolved
Clyde SUPPORT Liverpool to hold -> resolved
Budapest MOVE Galicia -> resolved
Rumania HOLD -> resolved
Baltic Sea MOVE Denmark -> Bounced
Vienna MOVE Bohemia -> resolved
Moscow MOVE Sevastopol -> resolved
The good news is that I'm able to hold Italy in the South for at least this move. I am able to stop two of his units with a single unit. I move SPA-MAR, which bounces with his PIE-MAR, and gets sent back to Spain to bounce his WMS-SPA. This is an example of where the poker aspect of Diplomacy comes in. I had to try and guess where Italy is moving based on his prior movements and tendencies (which would be the equivalent of putting your opponent on a hand/range of hands based on prior actions). I guessed he would probably go for Marseilles and move WMS-GoL. I didn't think he'd try for Spain since he would probably put me on moving BUR-MAR and SPA-hold (hey, second level thinking in Diplomacy!).
That was pretty much the only good news unfortunately. Germany did regain Munich with my help, but the Italian army simply moved on to Kiel. Italy and Russia wisely assume that Germany and I would try to take Munich back, so diverted to Kiel while surrounding Munich with Italian and Russian armies. The center will be impossible to hold in the fall.
I again have to revisit the tough decsion regarding stabbing my only ally. It's becoming more likely Germany will be eliminated, so should I take what I can or just stay with him until the end? Neither option is ideal.
Kiel RETREAT Holland -> resolved
Constantinople RETREAT Black Sea -> resolved
It's all over for the German. The least I can do it throw a few crumbs to anyone who can get them, and make myself look a little better. Of course, I'm also looking to speed up Germany's demise at this point.
I move some units into Scandinavia to move Germany along towards the end. The combo of a fleet in Norway and one in Ska gives me a lot of options for fall- I can go after Denmark, or I can push Germany out of the North sea.
Nice play by France to stall Italy. We (Italy and Germany) were concerned that you (France) would instead try to prop up Munich with the unit in Burg. This is one reason behind my "get what you can" press. It was understood by both of us that the chance of getting into Mar was slim, but we wanted to ensure that Munich fell.
Italy is pushing along, and I'm helping with the pushing. At this point, however, I'm running out of real estate. I'm setting some things in motion in an effort to ensure that I'm not stabbed and that I have some expansion options, though the first step is to distance myself from any notion that I may do anything suspect. I back off on all of my borders, sometimes unnecessarily.