Diplomacy - Fall 1903
* Intro
* Spring 1901
* Fall 1901
* Spring 1902
* Fall 1902
* Spring 1903
My main negotiation this turn is to plead with Russia to let me keep Liverpool. As previously mentioned, he can help England get it back and there's nothing I can do about it. I urge him to set his sights on Edinburgh instead.
Yorkshire MOVE Edinburgh -> resolved
Wales MOVE Liverpool -> resolved
Norwegian Sea MOVE Norway -> Bounced
English Channel MOVE Wales -> resolved
Mid-Atlantic Ocean MOVE English Channel -> resolved
Liverpool HOLD -> Retreat
Burgundy HOLD -> resolved
Belgium HOLD -> resolved
Spain HOLD -> resolved
Greece SUPPORT Ionian Sea to Aegean Sea -> resolved
Ionian Sea MOVE Aegean Sea -> resolved
Venice MOVE Piedmont -> resolved
Tyrrhenian Sea MOVE Western Mediterranean -> resolved
Tyrolia MOVE Munich -> resolved
Bulgaria HOLD -> resolved
Albania SUPPORT Greece to hold -> resolved
Denmark MOVE Sweden -> Bounced
Holland MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Bohemia MOVE Silesia -> Bounced
North Sea MOVE Yorkshire -> resolved
London HOLD -> resolved
Aegean Sea MOVE Constantinople -> resolved
Smyrna SUPPORT Aegean Sea to Constantinople -> resolved
Norway MOVE Sweden -> Bounced
Silesia MOVE Berlin -> resolved
Ankara MOVE Constantinople -> Attack broken by f aeg - con
Clyde SUPPORT Wales to Liverpool -> resolved
Budapest MOVE Vienna -> Bounced
Rumania SUPPORT Bulgaria to hold -> resolved
Sweden MOVE Baltic Sea -> resolved
Vienna MOVE Bohemia -> Bounced
Warsaw MOVE Silesia -> Bounced

Well, that sucked. The alliances are set. It's Germany and me vs. Italy and Russia. And Germany and me are fucked. He left himself open to attack in two places and now has to remove units from the board. I'm left without a build while Italy is headed my way and getting stronger. This is a major turning point in the game.
Liverpool RETREAT Irish Sea -> resolved
Norwegian Sea DESTROY -> resolved
BUILD fleet Naples -> resolved
BUILD army Venice -> resolved
Yorkshire DESTROY -> resolved
BUILD fleet St. Petersburg (North Coast) -> resolved
BUILD army Moscow -> resolved
* Spring 1901
* Fall 1901
* Spring 1902
* Fall 1902
* Spring 1903
My main negotiation this turn is to plead with Russia to let me keep Liverpool. As previously mentioned, he can help England get it back and there's nothing I can do about it. I urge him to set his sights on Edinburgh instead.
Yorkshire MOVE Edinburgh -> resolved
Wales MOVE Liverpool -> resolved
Norwegian Sea MOVE Norway -> Bounced
English Channel MOVE Wales -> resolved
Mid-Atlantic Ocean MOVE English Channel -> resolved
Liverpool HOLD -> Retreat
Burgundy HOLD -> resolved
Belgium HOLD -> resolved
Spain HOLD -> resolved
Greece SUPPORT Ionian Sea to Aegean Sea -> resolved
Ionian Sea MOVE Aegean Sea -> resolved
Venice MOVE Piedmont -> resolved
Tyrrhenian Sea MOVE Western Mediterranean -> resolved
Tyrolia MOVE Munich -> resolved
Bulgaria HOLD -> resolved
Albania SUPPORT Greece to hold -> resolved
Denmark MOVE Sweden -> Bounced
Holland MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Bohemia MOVE Silesia -> Bounced
North Sea MOVE Yorkshire -> resolved
London HOLD -> resolved
Aegean Sea MOVE Constantinople -> resolved
Smyrna SUPPORT Aegean Sea to Constantinople -> resolved
Norway MOVE Sweden -> Bounced
Silesia MOVE Berlin -> resolved
Ankara MOVE Constantinople -> Attack broken by f aeg - con
Clyde SUPPORT Wales to Liverpool -> resolved
Budapest MOVE Vienna -> Bounced
Rumania SUPPORT Bulgaria to hold -> resolved
Sweden MOVE Baltic Sea -> resolved
Vienna MOVE Bohemia -> Bounced
Warsaw MOVE Silesia -> Bounced
Well, that sucked. The alliances are set. It's Germany and me vs. Italy and Russia. And Germany and me are fucked. He left himself open to attack in two places and now has to remove units from the board. I'm left without a build while Italy is headed my way and getting stronger. This is a major turning point in the game.
Liverpool RETREAT Irish Sea -> resolved
Norwegian Sea DESTROY -> resolved
BUILD fleet Naples -> resolved
BUILD army Venice -> resolved
Yorkshire DESTROY -> resolved
BUILD fleet St. Petersburg (North Coast) -> resolved
BUILD army Moscow -> resolved
I didn't see the dates, didn't realize that this was all in retrospect, so I removed my comment about the conclusion to this game.
Interesting to hear how the game went from your point of view, Bill, particularly the Clyde-Liverpool situation, and Germany's leaving the back door wide open. I really like to hear the post-mortem comments on a game, you get some interesting insight.
Funny how I found this: I'm about to play a game as Italy, who I've only played twice before, with so-so results- stayed in for a piece of the draw, but only because I worked my ass off to stay at 2-3 centers in both games.
Anyway, my Italian strategy search turned up this blog, and I recognized the game as one I played in recently. The internet is surprisingly small sometimes.
So, while France asks me to take Edi, or at least, leave him alone, I decide not to. I write England and explain that I’m going to support him and why. He’s game. At this point, he just wants to last longer than Germany and go down swinging. Good, I can work with that.
I moved into Sweden figuring that Germany was going to make a move there from Denmark. He doesn’t. Great- I now have some ability to move the Norwegian fleet out and into the North Sea for further England support without fearing the loss of Sweden.
In the vein of putting the pressure on, Italy and I agree to take a shot at the wide open Munich and Berlin. We all know it’s a 4 player game at this point, why wouldn’t we look to take center from Germany directly? I was banking on Germany moving Boh-Mun, and Kiel – Ber. He does not. Cha Ching! We both wind up with a surprise gift, and G goes from gaining one build to losing a unit (and valuable ground) just like that. He should have seen this coming, though. He left himself far too exposed.
However, this gift sets something else in motion; I start to wonder where I’m going to expand, as my ally has cut me off, and Munich is in no position to support me into Kiel, as that support is easily cut by Burgundy and Bohemia. I’ve been blocked out of the rest of the continent, and I’m going to be stuck around 11 centers, while Italy grows fat on the rest of France. Not good...