Diplomacy - Spring 1901
* Intro
I talked to four other countries: England, Germany, Italy and Russia. England and I agreed that we would each stay out of the channel. Germany and I agreed to stay out of Burgundy, and Italy and I agreed to stay out of Piedmont and the Western Med. Russia just wanted to say hi and we talked about keeping each other informed of things and such.
Edinburgh MOVE Norway -> Square nwy is not reachable
Liverpool MOVE Yorkshire -> resolved
London MOVE North Sea -> resolved
Marseilles MOVE Gascony -> resolved
Paris MOVE Picardy -> resolved
Brest MOVE Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> resolved
Venice HOLD -> resolved
Rome MOVE Apulia -> resolved
Naples MOVE Ionian Sea -> resolved
Munich MOVE Ruhr -> resolved
Berlin MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Kiel MOVE Denmark -> resolved
Vienna MOVE Budapest -> Bounced
Trieste MOVE Albania -> resolved
Budapest MOVE Rumania -> Bounced
Constantinople MOVE Bulgaria -> resolved
Ankara MOVE Constantinople -> resolved
Smyrna SUPPORT Ankara to Constantinople -> resolved
Moscow MOVE Ukraine -> resolved
St. Petersburg (South Coast) MOVE Gulf of Bothnia -> resolved
Warsaw MOVE Galicia -> resolved
Sevastopol MOVE Rumania -> Bounced

I move Brest to Mid Atlantic Ocean, Marseilles to Gascony (in case either Germany or Italy break their promise to me and I have to defend Paris or Marseilles), and Paris to Picardy so I can have a say in Belgium. As far as the rest of the map, mostly everyone is just trying to pick up the neutral SCs but Russia did order Warsaw to Galicia, a threat to Austria-Hungary. If Russia has the help of Italy, AH can be in trouble very quickly. Turkey could cause him some problems in the Balkans as well. For this reason it is my least favorite country to play. While Italy statistically has the fewest wins, it can usually hang around for awhile. Austria can be annihilated pretty quickly, within the second year. In this game Austria needs to use Diplomacy so he can save his ass and get 1 or two builds. He must look to Turkey and Italy for help. However, Russia may already have one or both of those countries on his side. Stay tuned....
I talked to four other countries: England, Germany, Italy and Russia. England and I agreed that we would each stay out of the channel. Germany and I agreed to stay out of Burgundy, and Italy and I agreed to stay out of Piedmont and the Western Med. Russia just wanted to say hi and we talked about keeping each other informed of things and such.
Edinburgh MOVE Norway -> Square nwy is not reachable
Liverpool MOVE Yorkshire -> resolved
London MOVE North Sea -> resolved
Marseilles MOVE Gascony -> resolved
Paris MOVE Picardy -> resolved
Brest MOVE Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> resolved
Venice HOLD -> resolved
Rome MOVE Apulia -> resolved
Naples MOVE Ionian Sea -> resolved
Munich MOVE Ruhr -> resolved
Berlin MOVE Kiel -> resolved
Kiel MOVE Denmark -> resolved
Vienna MOVE Budapest -> Bounced
Trieste MOVE Albania -> resolved
Budapest MOVE Rumania -> Bounced
Constantinople MOVE Bulgaria -> resolved
Ankara MOVE Constantinople -> resolved
Smyrna SUPPORT Ankara to Constantinople -> resolved
Moscow MOVE Ukraine -> resolved
St. Petersburg (South Coast) MOVE Gulf of Bothnia -> resolved
Warsaw MOVE Galicia -> resolved
Sevastopol MOVE Rumania -> Bounced
I move Brest to Mid Atlantic Ocean, Marseilles to Gascony (in case either Germany or Italy break their promise to me and I have to defend Paris or Marseilles), and Paris to Picardy so I can have a say in Belgium. As far as the rest of the map, mostly everyone is just trying to pick up the neutral SCs but Russia did order Warsaw to Galicia, a threat to Austria-Hungary. If Russia has the help of Italy, AH can be in trouble very quickly. Turkey could cause him some problems in the Balkans as well. For this reason it is my least favorite country to play. While Italy statistically has the fewest wins, it can usually hang around for awhile. Austria can be annihilated pretty quickly, within the second year. In this game Austria needs to use Diplomacy so he can save his ass and get 1 or two builds. He must look to Turkey and Italy for help. However, Russia may already have one or both of those countries on his side. Stay tuned....