Stud8 cash
Got some really fun hands tonight.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
3rd Street - (1.60 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 9
Seat 2: xx xx K
Seat 3: xx xx 6
Seat 4: xx xx 4
Seat 5: xx xx A
Hero: 2
Seat 7: xx xx T
Seat 8: xx xx J
Three hearts as the bring-in. I'm very live here, but with one of my cards being th Q I decide not to raise.
4th Street - (2.50 SB)
Seat 4: xx xx 4
Seat 5: xx xx A
Hero: 2
I pair my dueces, not exactly what I was looking for but I'll take a free card.
5th Street - (1.25 BB)
Seat 4: xx xx 4
Seat 5: xx xx A
Hero: 2
Time to find out if anyone is interested in this hand. It was pretty early in the session but I had pegged seat 5 as a donk, she was playing too many hands, so I didn't put her on a made low here. I figured since seat 4 bricked I could pick this up.
6th Street - (3.25 BB)
Seat 5: xx xx A
Hero: 2
Seat 5: xx xx A
Hero: 2
Two pair and I bet it again.
River - (5.25 BB)
Seat 5: xx xx A
Hero: 2
I made my flush but it hardly matters at this point.
Total pot: (5.55 BB - $5.55)
Total pot $5.55 | Rake $0.25
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
3rd Street - (1.60 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx J
Seat 2: xx xx 7
Seat 3: xx xx 9
Seat 4: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 3
Hero: 6
Seat 7: xx xx 8
Seat 8: xx xx 4
Hero shows [Kh Qh] 4h 2c 6s 6h [2h] a flush, King high, for high
Seat 5 shows [Ac 9d] Ad 7s 2d Jc [3h] a pair of Aces, for high
Hero wins the pot ($5.30) with a flush, King high
Seat 5 is sitting out
No low hand qualified
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
3rd Street - (1.60 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx J
Seat 2: xx xx 7
Seat 3: xx xx 9
Seat 4: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 3
Hero: 6
Seat 7: xx xx 8
Seat 8: xx xx 4
Maybe a little aggressive with this hand. It's a nice hand and 0 clubs are out, but I want a multiway pot. However, my raise doesn't deter 3 people behind me from calling.
4th Street - (5.60 SB)
Seat 2: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 3
Hero: 6
Seat 8: xx xx 4
Well that card blows. I get a free look at 5th thankfully.
5th Street - (2.80 BB)
Seat 2: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 3
Hero: 6
Seat 8: xx xx 4
I hit a pair of 6s. Time to see who's still interested in this pot. All but one.
6th Street - (5.80 BB)
Seat 2: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 3
Hero: 6
6th Street - (5.80 BB)
Seat 2: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 3
Hero: 6
I decide to keep the lead. I have a club draw, still have 5 clubs left in the deck plus any A would probably win the low for me.
River - (8.80 BB)
Seat 2: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 3
Hero: 6
I brick and have no chance of winning any portion of th pot.
Total pot: (8.80 BB - $8.80)
Total pot $8.80 | Rake $0.40
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
3rd Street - (1.40 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 9
Seat 2: xx xx 4
Seat 3: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: 6
Seat 7: xx xx J
Seat 8: xx xx 5
Total pot: (8.80 BB - $8.80)
Hero shows [Ts 8c] 4c Qh 6h 5c [6c] a pair of Sixes, for high
Seat 2 shows [Ah Th] 7h Kh 4d 3c [8s] Ace King high, for high and 8,7,4,3,A, for low
Seat 5 shows [Js Jd] 3s 5h 9d Kc [3h] two pair, Jacks and Threes, for high
Seat 5 wins the high pot ($4.20) with two pair, Jacks and Threes
Seat 2 wins the low pot ($4.20) with 8,7,4,3,A
Total pot $8.80 | Rake $0.40
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
3rd Street - (1.40 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 9
Seat 2: xx xx 4
Seat 3: xx xx 7
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: 6
Seat 7: xx xx J
Seat 8: xx xx 5
Rolled up 6s!!! Keep reading, it gets better.
4th Street - (4.70 SB)
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: 6
Seat 8: xx xx 5
Absolute perfect turn card, I keep betting and get two calls.
5th Street - (3.85 BB)
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: 6
Seat 8: xx xx 5
I keep betting of course and Seat 8 folds. I can't make a low hand but I'm not too worried about Seat 5, could have a lot of hands here. It's the same villain from hand #1.
6th Street - (5.85 BB)
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: 6
Another $1.
River - (7.85 BB)
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: 6
Missed her draw. I take it without having to show. Good enough.
Total pot: (7.85 BB - $7.85)
Total pot $7.85 | Rake $0.35
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
Total pot $7.85 | Rake $0.35
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
3rd Street - (1.20 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 4
Seat 3: xx xx K
Seat 4: xx xx A
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: K
Seat 1: xx xx 4
Seat 3: xx xx K
Seat 4: xx xx A
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: K
Seat 8: xx xx 6
We're the bring-in this hand.
4th Street - (2.10 SB)
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: K
Seat 8: xx xx 6
Yawn. Looking for another low on 5th to maybe get a hand going here.
5th Street - (1.05 BB)
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: K
Seat 8: xx xx 6
Another free card, I'll take it.
6th Street - (1.05 BB)
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: K
Seat 8: xx xx 6
I hit split Ks against open 8s. Seat 8 bets, I put him on a likely made low, and I think seat 5 just has the 8s, so I call. BTW this was a different Seat 5, but still I think just 88 is likely given the play so far.
River - (4.05 BB)
Seat 5: xx xx 8
Hero: K
Seat 8: xx xx 6
And an over call with just a pair of kings in a split pot game!!! SICK!!!!
Total pot: (7.05 BB - $7.05)
Seat 8 shows [8s 7c] 6c Js 3d 2h [5d] Jack Eight high, for high and 7,6,5,3,2, for low
Seat 5 shows [Ac 5c] 8c Ts Qs 8h [2d] a pair of Eights, for high
Hero shows [Kc Tc] 4d 2c Qc Ks [6s] a pair of Kings, for high
Hero wins the high pot ($3.35) with a pair of Kings
Seat 8 wins the low pot ($3.35) with 7,6,5,3,2
Total pot $7.05 | Rake $0.35
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
3rd Street - (1.20 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 9
Seat 3: xx xx 5
Seat 4: xx xx T
Seat 5: xx xx 9
Hero: A
Seat 8: xx xx 6
High only hand, but it's too good to pass.
4th Street - (4.20 SB)
Seat 3: xx xx 5
Seat 5: xx xx 9
Hero: A
Open Qs on 4th for two pair, two callers.
5th Street - (3.60 BB)
Seat 3: xx xx 5
Seat 5: xx xx 9
Hero: A
I boat it up on 5th, gotta charge the draws, but they both fold. Wouldn't have minded seat 5 calling.
Total pot: (3.60 BB - $3.60)
Total pot $3.60 | Rake $0.15
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter)
3rd Street - (1.40 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 4
Seat 3: xx xx 5
Seat 4: xx xx 2
Seat 5: xx xx 4
Hero: 3
Seat 7: xx xx 6
Seat 8: xx xx A
How about that? We're rolled up again with a low card showing. Let's get as much money in there as possible.
4th Street - (4.70 SB)
Seat 3: xx xx 5
Seat 5: xx xx 4
Hero: 3
I'm betting a paint card, which should arouse suspicion if they've been watching me (as I've been check folding basically every time) but they both call after each spiking Js.
5th Street - (3.85 BB)
Seat 3: xx xx 5
Seat 5: xx xx 4
Hero: 3
Seat 5 bricks again but seat 4 probably has 4 cards to a low at this point.
6th Street - (5.85 BB)
Seat 3: xx xx 5
Hero: 3
I've filled up, just gotta hope he has the case 4 in the hole.
River - (7.85 BB)
Seat 3: xx xx 5
Hero: 3
I'm almost certainly getting half but I make the obligatory river bet.
Total pot: (9.85 BB - $9.85)
Hero shows [Qd 3s] 3d Kc 9d Kh [3h] a full house, Threes full of Kings, for high
Seat 3 shows [As 9s] 5c Jh 6s 4d [8s] Ace Jack high, for high and 8,6,5,4,A, for low
Hero wins the high pot ($4.70) with a full house, Threes full of Kings
Seat 3 wins the low pot ($4.70) with 8,6,5,4,A
Total pot $9.85 | Rake $0.45
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
Lousy $.85 for the session but I thought I played it mostly well. Not sure if I missed a bet or raise somewhere though.
Note: this site shuffles the hole cards.
Lousy $.85 for the session but I thought I played it mostly well. Not sure if I missed a bet or raise somewhere though.