More Horseing around - Stud Hi
Played some Stud Hi tonight in my never ending quest to suck in games besides hold'em. Here are some discussion worthy hands. Only a few hand this time, promise..
7 Card Stud High ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter) 3rd Street - (1.60 SB) Seat 1: xx xx 6 Seat 2: xx xx 8 Seat 3: xx xx K Hero: T Seat 5: xx xx 5 Seat 6: xx xx 2 Seat 7: xx xx 2 Seat 8: xx xx 8 I elect to steal with the A showing against two babies behind me. Doesn't work, they both call. 4th Street - (4.60 SB) Hero: T Seat 5: xx xx 5 Seat 6: xx xx 2 I hit a Q, I'm still going to bet and try to represent. At this point I think seat 5 might have some type of straight draw, and seat 2 has some pair. 5th Street - (3.80 BB) Hero: T Seat 5: xx xx 5 Seat 6: xx xx 2 I hit another broadway. Come on, they HAVE to fold now. Yes, they do. Total pot: (3.80 BB - $3.80) 7 Card Stud High ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter) 3rd Street - (1.60 SB) Seat 1: xx xx 3 Seat 2: xx xx 7 Seat 3: xx xx 4 Hero: K Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 6: xx xx 4 Seat 7: xx xx 3 Seat 8: xx xx 3 I get two Ks and with the highest card showing I confidently complete. Get some action here as 4 people go to 4th in this raised pot. 4th Street - (5.90 SB) Seat 2: xx xx 7 Hero: K Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 7: xx xx 3 Seat 2 now wakes up and starts betting after getting the J, and I decide to raise, for two reasons. 1) I might still have the best hand and 2), I want to knock people out. If I get that A to fold that's an overcard I can get out of there. Doesn't work though, they both call. 5th Street - (6.95 BB) Seat 2: xx xx 7 Hero: K Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 7: xx xx 3 Seat 7 is now showing 3 spades and with the way he called on 4th it looks like he may have a flush. Gets checked around. 6th Street - (6.95 BB) Seat 2: xx xx 7 Hero: K Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 7: xx xx 3 Now seat 7 hits open Ts and bets. Could have two pair, could have a flush, could just have Ts and 4 spades. With seat 2 folding I elect to call. Should I have raised here in case seat 5 is drawing? He could easily have a T in the hole. River - (9.95 BB) Hero: K Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 7: xx xx 3 I hit Ks up on the river and am committed to calling the final bet. I'm hoping Seat 5 really just has Qs up and is value betting a rivered two pair. Total pot: (12.95 BB - $12.95) Results are messed up but seat 5 had Td 9d 8h in the hole to win with the straight, and seat 7 had 4s 3h 2c in the hole. So my two pair were no good, but I'm guessing seat 7 started with that 3 so I was behind on 5th anyway.7 Card Stud High ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter) 3rd Street - (1.60 SB) Seat 1: xx xx K Seat 2: xx xx T Seat 3: xx xx 7 Hero: 9 Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 6: xx xx 8 Seat 7: xx xx 6 Seat 8: xx xx 4 I'm the bring in here and with no raises I get to see 4th with this spectacular hand. 4th Street - (2.80 SB) Seat 2: xx xx T Hero: 9 Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 7: xx xx 6 I hit a 5, nobody seems to have anything as it gets checked around. 5th Street - (1.40 BB) Seat 2: xx xx T Hero: 9 Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 7: xx xx 6 I hit an A, might have the best hand. Being OOP though, I check. Might be a mistake. 6th Street - (1.40 BB) Seat 2: xx xx T Hero: 9 Seat 5: xx xx Q Seat 7: xx xx 6 Now I do pair up and after the 2s check to me I bet with my 9s and A up. Seat 5 decides to call. Maybe a pair of 7s? River - (3.40 BB) Hero: 9 Seat 5: xx xx Q I pair again and now I'm happy to bet my concealed two pair. Seat 7 folds though. Total pot: (3.40 BB - $3.40) 7 Card Stud High ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter) 3rd Street - (1.20 SB) Seat 1: xx xx 4 Seat 3: xx xx 6 Hero: 3 Seat 5: xx xx 4 Seat 6: xx xx J Seat 7: xx xx 7 Another steal hand. I think this is worth trying to pickup the antes. 4th Street - (3.20 SB) Hero: 3 Seat 5: xx xx 4 Pickup an A and I'm still going to bet it. I could very well be ahead with just AK high, and if not, I probably have 9 outs to get ahead. 5th Street - (2.60 BB) Hero: 3 Seat 5: xx xx 4 GO AWAY ALREADY! 6th Street - (4.60 BB) Hero: 3 Seat 5: xx xx 4 On 6th I finally give up the lead. I'm not ready to give up on the pot yet though, even though that J or T could have helped him. I call it. River - (6.60 BB) Hero: 3 Seat 5: xx xx 4 I pair my 3. I honestly wanted to just see what the hell he had here. So I called. Total pot: (8.60 BB - $8.60) He had 8c 3c 2c in the hole. I'm guessing the 8 came on the river, and he was in there with an OESD. Still, he did bluff on the river, though I wasn't expecting to win this one. 7 Card Stud High ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter) 3rd Street - (1.60 SB) Seat 1: xx xx 2 Seat 2: xx xx 9 Seat 3: xx xx J Hero: A Seat 5: xx xx 6 Seat 6: xx xx 9 Seat 7: xx xx 8 Seat 8: xx xx 7 I pick up wired aces and complete. Seat 6 raises it up with a 9 showing and with 1 other 9 dead, it was not very likely he was rolled up. I put him on a big pocket pair, so I reraised. Seat 7 comes along for the ride as well. 4th Street - (10.90 SB) Hero: A Seat 6: xx xx 9 Seat 7: xx xx 8 And that motherfuckin seat 7 hits open 8s. Should I have just mucked here? No other 8s were out, he could have trips. He sure is representing that he has it. The pot is so damned big though that I want to at least see 5th street. 5th Street - (7.45 BB) Hero: A Seat 7: xx xx 8 I pickup a wheel draw and call. Probably should have folded, I am drawing very slim against trip 8s and I'm going to have to call on 6th as well. I think I'm only about 12% to catch a 5 or A on the next stret. 6th Street - (9.45 BB) Hero: A Seat 7: xx xx 8 I catch aces up and call because he might just have a pair or K in the hole. I commit myself at this point. River - (11.45 BB) Hero: A Seat 7: xx xx 8 I make my wheel and go nuts. Not too happy when he put the 4th bet in. Total pot: (19.45 BB - $19.45) He had motherfucking K8 in the hole of course. Fucking great play calling after a completion and a raise with (K8)8 with nothing invested. The other guy though had the discipline to lay it down against the open 8s on 4th, I should have done the same thing. 7 Card Stud High ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.15 (converter) 3rd Street - (1.60 SB) Seat 1: xx xx 7 Seat 2: xx xx 4 Seat 3: xx xx 5 Hero: 6 Seat 5: xx xx 9 Seat 6: xx xx 9 Seat 7: xx xx 7 Seat 8: xx xx 3 I elected to call here. Lot of low cards out & my cards are live. 4th Street - (2.80 SB) Hero: 6 Seat 5: xx xx 9 Seat 7: xx xx 7 Seat 8: xx xx 3 I hit a 4, it gets checked around. 5th Street - (1.40 BB) Hero: 6 Seat 5: xx xx 9 Seat 7: xx xx 7 Seat 8: xx xx 3 Now I hit my two pair and bet it. Not happy with the 3 calls. Lots of ways I can get beat with ust a low two pair. 6th Street - (5.40 BB) Hero: 6 Seat 5: xx xx 9 Seat 7: xx xx 7 Seat 8: xx xx 3 I check, probably a mistake. I have a no-limit mindset of keeping the pot small but in limit it's about not giving away free cards. River - (5.40 BB) Hero: 6 Seat 5: xx xx 9 Seat 7: xx xx 7 Seat 8: xx xx 3 I river a higher two pair and bet it for value. All 3 players fold, which means I definitely missed a value bet on 6th. Total pot: (7.40 BB - $7.40) 7 Card Stud High ($0.50/$1), Ante $0.10 (converter) 3rd Street - (0.60 SB) Seat 1: xx xx A Hero: 5 Seat 8: xx xx 9 Some hands later the game is all of a sudden short handed. I open-complete with two 7s, A calls. I probably have the best hand. 4th Street - (2.60 SB) Seat 1: xx xx A Hero: 5 I hit two pair and keep betting. He calls, could very well just have AJ high. 5th Street - (2.30 BB) Seat 1: xx xx A Hero: 5 He checks his K and I keep betting again, don't want to give any free cards with that board. He unfortunately raises me, I call here though because it's shorthanded, he might have a pair and a draw. 6th Street - (6.30 BB) Seat 1: xx xx A Hero: 5 I call again, though he could have a flush here. River - (8.30 BB) Seat 1: xx xx A Hero: 5 I hit my gin card and raise his bet. He only calls. He had Ks Kc 2c in the hole for trip kings. I'm guessing he likely rivered the 3rd king, can't see him just calling on 3rd with (KK)A. I guess slowplaying is possible though. Either way, that pot puts me at even for the session. With the table breaking up, I call it quits. Total pot: (12.30 BB - $12.30) |