Played a live donkament today. This time the scene was the River Casino in Nashua, NH. They have a Sunday tournament called the $5 Fin. You can minbuy for a mere 500 pennies and receive 2000 in starting chips or buy-in for $50 and receive 20k in chips. You can guess what I did. Plan was to get there in time for the first hand (which I did) and try to accumulate some chips prior to the end of the rebuy/add-on period.
Levels are 15 minutes and we start at 25/50. Table is 5 handed to start with but fills in by the end of the level. Four tables going to start the tournament. I am card dead and have to be patient. Lot of action and many limped pots which I'm surprised to see. But people aren't afraid to put in raises either. Got to see one flop with J2o in the BB when it gets limped to me. I flop bottom pair and check/fold on a pretty dry flop. I don't think that hand went to showdown.
An orbit or so later I'm in the BB again and the SB puts in a raise after 3 or 4 limpers. I fold and all of the limpers call. He was like "I knew I shouldn't have raised". He ended up check/folding a K high flop and later said he had AQ. Another hand later I saw a guy limp the SB with JJ following some limpers and ended up losing to trips.
Table was pretty friendly, thought I'd get needled for minbuying but didn't happen. Nor did I get needled about my VPIP of 0%. They end up getting more late reggers and I get moved to the new table. TD came over to me and said "Sorry to have to do this but we have to move you". I was going to be BB the next hand anyway so it was fine. We actually start 4 handed and I start as the CO but it fills in pretty quickly. I drew seat 1 which I hated having to lean over to see if the player on my right acted yet. But still, was optimistic that my fortunes would change at this table but they did not. Got a few raggedy Ace hands but nothing really to look at.
Did get another minbuy at the table however. This guy was dressed in business cas and said "I'm so glad to be off work" when he joined the table. Busted in 2 hands when he called a raise with 33 and then got it all-in on the flop against AA. Oops. Then saw a 3 way all-in when two people had two pair on a K7432 board. Don't remember the order of the cards but A5 vs K7 vs 43 and the money went in on the river. There was a side pot so the K7 stayed alive but the 43 guy ended up rebuying. The good thing about this tourney also is they do let you rebuy for $20 prior to the first break which gets you 5k in chips.That dude had a wad of cash on him though and was hoping they'd get a cash table going but the only action going on in the room was this tournament.
Anyway still card dead and I fortunately get my blinds in before the break amidst a dealer change with like 1:30 left in the level. He gets the cards out with like :10 left and of course it's another dogshit hand. But after the break the blinds are going to 100/200 with a 200 BB ante. We take our 10 minute break and they do a chip race to get rid of the 25 chips. I actually win one so instead of losing 50 I gain 50 and sit at 1700 at the break. I get absolute dogshit for cards, figure I have to shove almost no matter what UTG+1 and UTG but get 32o and 62o respectively. Next hand I'm in the BB and have to cough up 400.
There's a few limps and I peek at my hand before the action gets to me. 5♥5♦. Best hand I've looked at all day, but really would rather be heads up here than multiway. Even with my tight image, I don't think I'm getting folds if I shove all-in from the BB. All it takes is 1 call to get everyone to call and people have $ behind with the add-ons and shit. However, the player in the HJ raises to 700 and it's folded to me. Time to move in and I do. The first limper folds and the other 2 limpers get out of the way.
Folded back to the original raiser and he calls of course, very much priced in. I was up against A♣9♠ and got a safe rainbow flop with all low cards. Then the dreaded A♠. River is a 6. Guy on my left who was the first limper said if he stayed in he would have made a set of sixes. So it turns out I did have a bit of fold equity with my shove after all.
They only had a blind clock here so I don't know what place I went out (or even what the average stack was at any point, a little disappointed in that) but there was another bust at the table prior to me and one of the other tables broke before this hand so maybe beat 7 or 8 people. But I basically got what I expected out of it. Went in knowing it was going to be a long shot to win and even if I had won that flip and gotten a double up it still would have been an uphill battle. 90 minutes of entertainment for $5 was a win today.
Levels are 15 minutes and we start at 25/50. Table is 5 handed to start with but fills in by the end of the level. Four tables going to start the tournament. I am card dead and have to be patient. Lot of action and many limped pots which I'm surprised to see. But people aren't afraid to put in raises either. Got to see one flop with J2o in the BB when it gets limped to me. I flop bottom pair and check/fold on a pretty dry flop. I don't think that hand went to showdown.
An orbit or so later I'm in the BB again and the SB puts in a raise after 3 or 4 limpers. I fold and all of the limpers call. He was like "I knew I shouldn't have raised". He ended up check/folding a K high flop and later said he had AQ. Another hand later I saw a guy limp the SB with JJ following some limpers and ended up losing to trips.
Table was pretty friendly, thought I'd get needled for minbuying but didn't happen. Nor did I get needled about my VPIP of 0%. They end up getting more late reggers and I get moved to the new table. TD came over to me and said "Sorry to have to do this but we have to move you". I was going to be BB the next hand anyway so it was fine. We actually start 4 handed and I start as the CO but it fills in pretty quickly. I drew seat 1 which I hated having to lean over to see if the player on my right acted yet. But still, was optimistic that my fortunes would change at this table but they did not. Got a few raggedy Ace hands but nothing really to look at.
Did get another minbuy at the table however. This guy was dressed in business cas and said "I'm so glad to be off work" when he joined the table. Busted in 2 hands when he called a raise with 33 and then got it all-in on the flop against AA. Oops. Then saw a 3 way all-in when two people had two pair on a K7432 board. Don't remember the order of the cards but A5 vs K7 vs 43 and the money went in on the river. There was a side pot so the K7 stayed alive but the 43 guy ended up rebuying. The good thing about this tourney also is they do let you rebuy for $20 prior to the first break which gets you 5k in chips.That dude had a wad of cash on him though and was hoping they'd get a cash table going but the only action going on in the room was this tournament.
Anyway still card dead and I fortunately get my blinds in before the break amidst a dealer change with like 1:30 left in the level. He gets the cards out with like :10 left and of course it's another dogshit hand. But after the break the blinds are going to 100/200 with a 200 BB ante. We take our 10 minute break and they do a chip race to get rid of the 25 chips. I actually win one so instead of losing 50 I gain 50 and sit at 1700 at the break. I get absolute dogshit for cards, figure I have to shove almost no matter what UTG+1 and UTG but get 32o and 62o respectively. Next hand I'm in the BB and have to cough up 400.
There's a few limps and I peek at my hand before the action gets to me. 5♥5♦. Best hand I've looked at all day, but really would rather be heads up here than multiway. Even with my tight image, I don't think I'm getting folds if I shove all-in from the BB. All it takes is 1 call to get everyone to call and people have $ behind with the add-ons and shit. However, the player in the HJ raises to 700 and it's folded to me. Time to move in and I do. The first limper folds and the other 2 limpers get out of the way.
Folded back to the original raiser and he calls of course, very much priced in. I was up against A♣9♠ and got a safe rainbow flop with all low cards. Then the dreaded A♠. River is a 6. Guy on my left who was the first limper said if he stayed in he would have made a set of sixes. So it turns out I did have a bit of fold equity with my shove after all.
They only had a blind clock here so I don't know what place I went out (or even what the average stack was at any point, a little disappointed in that) but there was another bust at the table prior to me and one of the other tables broke before this hand so maybe beat 7 or 8 people. But I basically got what I expected out of it. Went in knowing it was going to be a long shot to win and even if I had won that flip and gotten a double up it still would have been an uphill battle. 90 minutes of entertainment for $5 was a win today.