Fin means end

Played the fin again today. Not as many people as last week but they did eventually get three full 9-handed tables going.

Played from the start like a tight nit but actually got a hand this time maybe 10 hands in or so. Picked up TT UTG+2 and make it 200 with 25/50 blinds. I am called only by the small blind. Flop comes AQ8r. Yuck. He checks, I check it back. Turn 2, he checks again, I bet 250, he mulls it over and then mucks. Wonder what he could've had there? I think a Q calls me. Maybe something like 99 or 77? Or maybe a gutterball like a KJ or KT deciding whether he had the odds to continue. Anyway we pick up some chips there and it's a decent start.

Blinds go up to 50/100 when they come around to me so basically go back to my starting stack after having to fold my two blinds. Few lands later I'm in the CO with AKo. Folded to the LJ who makes it 300, HJ calls, and then the button to my left also calls before I act on my hand. I inform him that I hadn't acted yet and then figure out what to do. I don't think I can make it 900 or 1200 so really only 1 play: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-in. The player on my left now wisely decides to fold and the rest of the table folds back to the LJ, who folds. I'm expecting to pick up this pot now when the HJ calls!

We table our hands and he has AJ. Then LJ announces that he folded AJ. Looks pretty good for me, right? Nope, he flops one of the remaining two jacks and there's no king to save me on the turn and river. Amazingly I have this guy covered so I have like 600 left. Fold the next couple of dogshit hands and then I get A4 UTG+20. villain from the last hand open limps UTG+1 and I shove. Blinds are going up to 75/150 in another 2 minutes so I can't wait. Then the player on my left makes it 1500. I know I'm pretty much dead in the water at that point cause this guy mostly likes to limp or call raises. Folded to villain in hand #1 who calls and then amazingly UTG+1 finds the fold button.

Flop comes K63 with 1. Player on my left continues for 1500 and the other guy calls. Turn pairs the 6 but no diamond and the river is a T. They go to showdown and the PFR tables his AQ, I didn't even wait for the other guy to table his hand, I just threw my cards in the muck and walked the hell out of there disgusted. Basically an 4:1 favorite in the hand before and had a chance to get my hands on a decent amount of chips and be a factor in this but instead the guy hits his miracle 2 outer on me.

This will be my last one of these for awhile as we get into the part of the season where poker is going to take a back seat to other stuff. Got my bowling leagues starting up again and then also the start of football season. Nothing much to report online, gave the $.50+R NLO a try the other night, lost two buyins and went out as the bubble boy when I ran into AAxx with some kind of rundown and couldn't get lucky. Then played one GPP roll this week when I was pretty much card dead the whole time and then ran QJs into AQ and went out in 32nd or something. So not running very good here as we get to the end of August. Hoping for another big run in the freeroll tonight.


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