Level 4
lasts all of 5 hands for me. Got in at the 100/200-20 level with a 5k
starting stack. 15 out of 30 left with 7 getting ITM so figure this is a
good spot to jump in. Fold my first 3 hands pre then get the gift of a
walk in the BB. Very next hand I'm in the SB with K♣5♣ and it's folded
to me. I make it 600, BB calls. Flop K♦7♠5♠. I bet 1k and BB puts me
all-in for my final 3500. I call, he has A♠4♠, and the J♠ comes on the
turn. River 3♥. So 0/2 at this level with 2 quick exits despite really doing nothing wrong. This is why I wanted the fucking money.