Literally a quickie

So there wasn't a LOLMAHA running tonight but there was a $.10/.$25 PLO cash game going with a donk that I recognized from the tourneys. So I took the seat to his left, bought in for $10 and here's how it went.

Hand 1:
I post in the BB and get dealt T944 in what is now a 5-handed game. Folded to button who limps, SB folds, and I take a free flop which is Q97. I check, villain checks behind. Turn Q. Check-check again. River Q and we check it down. My 4s full is good enough to take the pot (he had KJ84). Thank you very much, you could have bet any street or raised preflop and taken that down. 

Hand 2:  
In the SB now and get AKQ7. Motherfucking 3-card hand OOP. It's folded to me and I have a guy with $70 in the BB of course. I make a raise to $.75 and he flats. Flop KT4 I bet $1.12 and he flats again. Sigh. Turn 9 and I check-fold to a $2.70 bet. Not sure what I could do here without any read on the player, sucky spot but worth taking a shot on that flop. I beat only a float here and I'm way behind everything else. 

Hand 3: 
Very next hand and it's my button. Get dealt AA83 so right after that last hand I’m a tiny bit steamed and ready to play for all of my chips if need be. The donk to my right obliges by opening for pot and I re-pot it to $2.90. Gets back to him and he had $3.57 left after putting in the first raise so I liked the spot I was in there (if we were deeper I probably just flat there). He sticks it in and I of course call.

His hand was garbage for that spot of course, AKT8 and I’m a 2:1 favorite which of course is great in this game. Flop comes K74. Great, here we go! Turn J. And now the river: 3. That’s good, we’ll take it. He did not reload after that so I decided to leave the table with my $2.82 profit and call it quits. Quickest session ever, lol. 


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