Took the afternoon off Friday and headed to Foxwoods. Got to the poker room at around 2 and I was looking to play 4/8 Omaha8. However, the list was about 8 people long, and the person at the desk said that there was an interest list going for 1/2 Pot-Limit O8. It was open seating at that point, so I joined in and soon we had a full table of 10 people and the game got going.
Early on I made a pretty bad blunder with a strong hand. I had A
on the button and called a $6 raise. One of the blinds also called and the flop came with 2 clubs and 2 low cards, giving me a Q-high flush draw and the nut low draw. I called a $12 bet from the preflop raiser, the other player folded and we were heads up. The turn was the 5
, completing both of my draws. The PFR checked and I checked behind (I know, terrible). The river was the, 5
putting a possible full house on board. He checked again and I not only check behind but I turn my hand face up instead of letting my opponent reveal his cards. My opponent mucked and I took the whole pot. Definitely should have bet the turn, honestly didn't like the way my opponent checked it to me, so I thought he may have been trapping with a better flush. He probably had at least 1 ace in his hand as the PFR, so A
2x is a possibility, but almost all the time I'm at least ahead for half should be an automatic bet. River is probably debatable. I would play better later in the session.
I was getting trash hands so I played very tightly, and it caught the attention of the rest of the table. One guy asked me what hand I was waiting for, and I responded somewhat jokingly, "AA23, double suited" (statistically the best starting hand in this game). The guy responded that it won't make any money because no one else will have anything when I get it. Not sure I agree with that, because that hand produces a lot of possibilities. Besides, in this game people were playing pretty loose (and somewhat aggressive), so it could make money if I played it right.
So anyway, I played very few hands. I did get A
on the button and called an $8 raise from the player in the hijack seat (even though it was pot limit people were raising to $8 even though $7 should have been the max). The player in the big blind calls as well. Flop comes down T
giving me bottom 2 and the nut low draw. The BB checked, and the preflop raiser bets pot, $25. I have a tough decision. At this point I have about $100 left, it's either raise pot or fold. I still have a player behind me as well who is pretty aggressive and could be trapping or could be ready to make a big raise on a draw.
After deliberating for a minute I decided to fold. I gave the hijack player credit for a strong hand here, either an overpair with a low draw, some kind of big wrap draw maybe with a flush draw, or overpair with a flush draw. I figured the reverse implied odds dictated a fold, I may only be a little ahead for high and I could be splitting low.
The BB ended up calling and the hand ended up going to showdown. The BB had a flush draw that came in and the other player had AA2 and ended up making low. Maybe I could have blown both of those players off their hands with a big raise, but it was risky and I think I like my fold.
I continued to play pretty tight, but got KQJ9 with no suits OTB and played in a limped pot. Ended up flopping a wrap draw when it came A
on the flop. With no low possibility for the hand, so I called a $12 bet in position, and then bet the K
turn when I hit two pair (but I was really trying to represent the straight). I did get one call, the river was a low card, I ended up checking it down and my kings up beat his missed flush draw.
An orbit later I was on the button again and flopped an A-high flush when the board came 8
and I had A
. This was a 6 way limped pot, everyone checked to me, I announced "pot" and everyone almost instantly folded. Had to bet there of course but surprised no one had or wanted to contend with me with the nut low.
I was almost back to even after that pot (started with $100), and a few orbits later I got A
, my best hand of the day, but in the SB. A new player who had just joined the table a few hands prior raised it up to $8 in early position. He got a few calls and I elected to just smooth call with my hand. BB folds and there are 4 of us in the hand. Flop comes T
and it gets checked around. Turn is K
. I am first to act and check. The preflop raiser bets $25. Folded back to me and I announce that I'm raising the pot. While I'm counting it out the PFR says, "I can't beat a flush" and shows KK. That was fine with me, because I couldn't have beat a rivered full house.
Left soon after that, ended up making $43 in the four hour session. I definitely took that to the bank (or the cashier's cage) as just an hour prior I was down $40. Good times.
Early on I made a pretty bad blunder with a strong hand. I had A
I was getting trash hands so I played very tightly, and it caught the attention of the rest of the table. One guy asked me what hand I was waiting for, and I responded somewhat jokingly, "AA23, double suited" (statistically the best starting hand in this game). The guy responded that it won't make any money because no one else will have anything when I get it. Not sure I agree with that, because that hand produces a lot of possibilities. Besides, in this game people were playing pretty loose (and somewhat aggressive), so it could make money if I played it right.
So anyway, I played very few hands. I did get A
After deliberating for a minute I decided to fold. I gave the hijack player credit for a strong hand here, either an overpair with a low draw, some kind of big wrap draw maybe with a flush draw, or overpair with a flush draw. I figured the reverse implied odds dictated a fold, I may only be a little ahead for high and I could be splitting low.
The BB ended up calling and the hand ended up going to showdown. The BB had a flush draw that came in and the other player had AA2 and ended up making low. Maybe I could have blown both of those players off their hands with a big raise, but it was risky and I think I like my fold.
I continued to play pretty tight, but got KQJ9 with no suits OTB and played in a limped pot. Ended up flopping a wrap draw when it came A
An orbit later I was on the button again and flopped an A-high flush when the board came 8
I was almost back to even after that pot (started with $100), and a few orbits later I got A
Left soon after that, ended up making $43 in the four hour session. I definitely took that to the bank (or the cashier's cage) as just an hour prior I was down $40. Good times.