
Showing posts from May, 2008

Diplomacy - Fall 1905

* Intro * Spring 1901 * Fall 1901 * Spring 1902 * Fall 1902 * Spring 1903 * Fall 1903 * Spring 1904 * Fall 1904 * Spring 1905 Negotiations: Yeah, about that.... Every player is on his own at this point. I am fighting Italy, but don't want Russia to win the game. Italy is now fighting Russia, but in the process of stabbing me also. Meanwhile Russia is on his way to a solo victory, so he clearly benefits from this arrangement. I just have a wait and see approach. If Russia makes it to 18 centers by this turn, good game. If not, I'll see if I could get Italy to ally against him. Truth be told, I didn't mind if Russia ended it here though. It would be a long fight ahead, and if my citizens were still speaking en francais at the end, that's good enough. Orders: ENGLAND Edinburgh MOVE Norwegian Sea -> resolved Wales MOVE Liverpool -> Bounced FRANCE Burgundy MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced English Channel HOLD -> resolved Mid-Atlantic Ocean MOVE North Africa ->...

Diplomacy - Spring 1905

Time for another update. * Intro * Spring 1901 * Fall 1901 * Spring 1902 * Fall 1902 * Spring 1903 * Fall 1903 * Spring 1904 * Fall 1904 Negotiations: After stabbing my only ally, I go back to Russia and offer him support. I tell him that I will help him achieve a solo victory. I was a little sour towards Italy since he is attacking me in the south so I was happy to have Russia win instead of an Italian victory or Russia/Italy split win. However, I still wasn't conceding defeat at this point. I figured if Russia could get up to 15-16 centers, I could go back to Italy and say "Hey, if we don't work together Russia is going to win." Anyway, Russia asks for support into the North Sea and I agree to give it to him. Orders: ENGLAND Edinburgh MOVE North Sea -> Attack broken by f nwy - nth Wales MOVE London -> Bounced FRANCE Burgundy HOLD -> resolved English Channel SUPPORT Norway to North Sea -> resolved Mid-Atlantic Ocean SUPPORT Marseilles to Spain (Sout...