
Showing posts from April, 2008

Diplomacy - Fall 1904

* Intro * Spring 1901 * Fall 1901 * Spring 1902 * Fall 1902 * Spring 1903 * Fall 1903 * Spring 1904 Alright, got some time to update this before I go to bed. Matt, appreciate the comments so far. Certainly makes this much more interesting to do. Negotiations: Germany wants me to support him in Munich (holding) and support HOL-KIE. I tell him I will do so. Orders: ENGLAND Edinburgh MOVE North Sea -> Bounced Liverpool MOVE Wales -> resolved FRANCE English Channel SUPPORT Wales to London -> resolved Mid-Atlantic Ocean MOVE Western Mediterranean -> Bounced Burgundy MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced Spain HOLD -> resolved Ruhr MOVE Belgium -> resolved Wales MOVE London -> resolved ITALY Aegean Sea MOVE Smyrna -> Bounced Piedmont MOVE Marseilles -> Bounced Tyrrhenian Sea MOVE Gulf of Lyons -> resolved Western Mediterranean HOLD -> resolved Kiel HOLD -> resolved Tyrolia MOVE Munich -> resolved Albania MOVE Tunis -> resolved Constantinople ...

Yep, a poker post

Not so long after my last post I checked my email and find that UB gave me a free $10 to play with. Take that along with the other $2.25 in my account and sit at the highest stakes possible, NL $50 full-ring. It just so happens to be a Bad Beat Jackpot table as well. Need to lose with quad 8s or better to qualify. Jackpot was around $189k, but some of that gets split between the other players at the table. Anyway, sit down, post in the CO. First hand 85o. Get a limper and a raise to $2.50 in early position, so fold. Fold the next crappy hand, and then get A 6 . Limper in EP, I decide to muck. Nice looking hand if I was deeper stacked. Flop comes A68 with 1 , turn blank, river 6. Would have coolered a guy who had 86. Someone else went to showdown as well, forget what he had. But Lame. Next hand I get dealt T T . Folded to me somewhere in middle position, I make it $2.50, five times the big blind. It gets folded to the blinds, who both call. Again, lame. Flop comes Q 7 2 . Checked to me...

Gold Rush reminds me why I quit playing poker

In the ever continuing journey to find other games besides poker, I have landed on Moola (well, I actually landed there last summer but I have just recently starting playing again after a long hiatus). For those who are unfamiliar, it is a site where you can make money playing games (and doing a few other things as well). The site starts you off with $.01 and you play games at different levels and try to keep doubling up. When you get to $10, you can cash out. There's 3 games, and the one I enjoy most of all is gold rush. It's a fun game and involves psychology and probability like poker. You start with 6 gold nuggets, representing 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 lbs. Your opponent gets the same, and the mine has 1-6 lb. nuggets as well. One by one, the nuggets are drawn from the mine and you bid with your opponent on each nugget. There's 6 rounds, winner of each gets the value of all 3 nuggets and you need 32 lbs to win the game. Here's an example from a game I played earlier. Here ...

Diplomacy - Spring 1904

* Intro * Spring 1901 * Fall 1901 * Spring 1902 * Fall 1902 * Spring 1903 * Fall 1903 Wanted to update this earlier, especially with some added insight, but it's been a busy week. Here goes. Negotiations: I have a tough decision to make at this point. Russia contacts me and tries to persuade me to grab a few German centers while I can. Meanwhile, I maintain contact with Germany and try to put a plan together, while I'm thinking about stabbing him. The other option is helping him regain a few of his centers and setting the Italian back while Russia grows. That way we may be able to form a 3-way alliance against Russia to stop him from winning outright. Also, while that is going on I still have to worry about Italy in the south. Orders: ENGLAND Edinburgh MOVE North Sea -> Attack broken by f lon - nth Liverpool HOLD -> resolved FRANCE English Channel SUPPORT London to North Sea -> resolved Irish Sea MOVE Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> resolved Burgundy SUPPORT Bohemia t...

Wow, what an awesome feature

So Cardboard Poker gave me $10 free to play with, so I went in there and fucked around. Basically didn't feel like grinding it out, so I'm going for broke here. I needed 2500 points to clear the bonus, so my plan was to just play at the highest level possible until I cleared the bonus or went broke. Played a few nights ago at NL $25, got the roll up over $20, got bored so quit and tonight went back in and played NL $100 full ring. I'm down to $18 when the following hand comes up. I'm on the button holding the K Q . It's folded to me. I raise to $4. SB calls, BB (new to the table who I have absolutely no read on) shoves for $22 and change. I call, what else can I really do?. SB folds, and we're all-in. Before the cards dealt, a pop-up appears and asks me if I want to run it twice. I of course click yes as fast as I could. Fortunately, my opponent agrees and the money is split into two pots. The cards are turned over and I'm in horrible shape, as he shows th...

Diplomacy - Fall 1903

* Intro * Spring 1901 * Fall 1901 * Spring 1902 * Fall 1902 * Spring 1903 Negotiations: My main negotiation this turn is to plead with Russia to let me keep Liverpool. As previously mentioned, he can help England get it back and there's nothing I can do about it. I urge him to set his sights on Edinburgh instead. Orders: ENGLAND Yorkshire MOVE Edinburgh -> resolved Wales MOVE Liverpool -> resolved Norwegian Sea MOVE Norway -> Bounced FRANCE English Channel MOVE Wales -> resolved Mid-Atlantic Ocean MOVE English Channel -> resolved Liverpool HOLD -> Retreat Burgundy HOLD -> resolved Belgium HOLD -> resolved Spain HOLD -> resolved ITALY Greece SUPPORT Ionian Sea to Aegean Sea -> resolved Ionian Sea MOVE Aegean Sea -> resolved Venice MOVE Piedmont -> resolved Tyrrhenian Sea MOVE Western Mediterranean -> resolved Tyrolia MOVE Munich -> resolved Bulgaria HOLD -> resolved Albania SUPPORT Greece to hold -> resolved GERMA...

Diplomacy - Spring 1903

* Intro * Spring 1901 * Fall 1901 * Spring 1902 * Fall 1902 Negotiations: The alliances are pretty much set. I exchange pleasantries with Italy and Russia, but Germany and I talk strategy. I agree to help him into London this turn. Orders: ENGLAND London SUPPORT Liverpool to Wales -> Support cut by f nth - lon Norwegian Sea CONVOY Norway to Clyde -> resolved Liverpool MOVE Wales -> resolved FRANCE Irish Sea MOVE Liverpool -> resolved Picardy MOVE Burgundy -> resolved Brest MOVE Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> resolved English Channel SUPPORT North Sea to London -> resolved Belgium HOLD -> resolved Portugal MOVE Spain -> resolved ITALY Albania MOVE Trieste -> Bounced Tyrrhenian Sea SUPPORT Naples to Ionian Sea -> resolved Venice MOVE Tyrolia -> resolved Rome MOVE Venice -> resolved Naples MOVE Ionian Sea -> resolved Serbia MOVE Bulgaria -> resolved Greece MOVE Aegean Sea -> Bounced GERMANY Holland HOLD -> resolved Munich MOVE Boh...