Two Interesting Hands
Same villain in both hands.
SB Posts SB 0.10
hero Posts BB 0.25
UTG Folds
UTG+1 Folds
villain Calls 0.25
button Folds
SB Calls 0.15
hero Checks with 87
FLOP 4 9 3
SB Checks
hero Checks
villain Bets 1.00
SB Folds
hero Calls 1.00
TURN 4 9 3 T
hero Checks
villain Bets 1.00
hero All In 14.23
villain Calls 13.23
villain Shows T5
hero Shows 87
RIVER 4 9 3 T 6
hero Won 29.65 from pot 1 with Ten High Straight
Kinda tilted there, wasn't winning any pots and on the turn I said fuck it, this guy doesn't have anything and I have two draws anyway. So ALL-IN!!!! I was right that he didn't have anything on the flop. Alright, so I got a little lucky. A little bit later.
hero Posts SB 0.10
big blind Posts BB 0.25
UTG Folds
villain Calls 0.25
cutoff Folds
button Folds
hero Raised to 1.60 wtih KK
geefers2 Folds
villain Calls 1.45
hero Checks
villain Bets 2.00
hero Calls 2.00
TURN A 9 T 9
hero Checks
Villain Bets 2.00
hero All In 25.49
I raised big preflop because I figured he'd call (maybe try to make up for the last hand) and the plan was to commit on just about any non ace flop. Of course my ace magnets flop an ace, but I wasn't just going to give up. I figured villain would take the lead here with an ace or without, so I check/called. The turn brought a scare card, and after he weak-led for another $2, I figured I could make a move. This turn shove makes much more sense than the last one (I believe I had villain slightly covered) because the pot was big enough. I figured villain's likely holdings included a weak ace or nothing at all. Its very possibly he was just trying to take it away from me. A hand like A4 is a 3:1 favorite against my KK, but with the fold equity (and the possibility that this guy doesn't even have anything) I think shoving there is the right play.
He folded, I rabbit hunted and the "river" came the 3. He didn't type anything in the chat so I don't know what he had. Grateful I won the pot though.
SB Posts SB 0.10
hero Posts BB 0.25
UTG Folds
UTG+1 Folds
villain Calls 0.25
button Folds
SB Calls 0.15
hero Checks with 87
FLOP 4 9 3
SB Checks
hero Checks
villain Bets 1.00
SB Folds
hero Calls 1.00
TURN 4 9 3 T
hero Checks
villain Bets 1.00
hero All In 14.23
villain Calls 13.23
villain Shows T5
hero Shows 87
RIVER 4 9 3 T 6
hero Won 29.65 from pot 1 with Ten High Straight
Kinda tilted there, wasn't winning any pots and on the turn I said fuck it, this guy doesn't have anything and I have two draws anyway. So ALL-IN!!!! I was right that he didn't have anything on the flop. Alright, so I got a little lucky. A little bit later.
hero Posts SB 0.10
big blind Posts BB 0.25
UTG Folds
villain Calls 0.25
cutoff Folds
button Folds
hero Raised to 1.60 wtih KK
geefers2 Folds
villain Calls 1.45
hero Checks
villain Bets 2.00
hero Calls 2.00
TURN A 9 T 9
hero Checks
Villain Bets 2.00
hero All In 25.49
I raised big preflop because I figured he'd call (maybe try to make up for the last hand) and the plan was to commit on just about any non ace flop. Of course my ace magnets flop an ace, but I wasn't just going to give up. I figured villain would take the lead here with an ace or without, so I check/called. The turn brought a scare card, and after he weak-led for another $2, I figured I could make a move. This turn shove makes much more sense than the last one (I believe I had villain slightly covered) because the pot was big enough. I figured villain's likely holdings included a weak ace or nothing at all. Its very possibly he was just trying to take it away from me. A hand like A4 is a 3:1 favorite against my KK, but with the fold equity (and the possibility that this guy doesn't even have anything) I think shoving there is the right play.
He folded, I rabbit hunted and the "river" came the 3. He didn't type anything in the chat so I don't know what he had. Grateful I won the pot though.