Sunday Million
Here's how it went. 7060 played, lot of last minute entries. Sorry about the lack of colors, can't fix it without screwing something else up in the code, not worth it to spend 4 hours fixing the whole thing.
Very first hand I get A
UTG. I raise to 175 (10k stacks, 25/50 blinds), CO and BB call. Flop comes 2
, BB checks, I bet 400, fold fold. Happy to take it right there.
Then I get this hand:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t50 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP2 (t10000)
MP3 (t9975)
CO (t9875)
Hero (t10300)
SB (t9950)
BB (t10075)
UTG (t10000)
UTG+1 (t10000)
MP1 (t9825)
Preflop: Hero is Button with A
, 7
2 folds, MP1 raises to t200, 3 folds, Hero calls t200, 2 folds.
Flop: (t475) 7
, 4
, 6
(2 players)
MP1 bets t150, Hero calls t150.
Turn: (t775) 8
(2 players)
MP1 checks, Hero bets t500, MP1 calls t500.
River: (t1775) 3
(2 players)
MP1 checks, Hero checks.
Final Pot: t1775
MP1 has Ac Kc (high card, ace).
Hero has Ad 7d (one pair, sevens).
Outcome: Hero wins t1775.
I was going to fire the second barrel on the river, hoping he'd get away from an overpair, but not confident enough in it early on, so I just check it down and hope my hand is good enough in a showdown. He had the flush draw, so MHWG.
Won a few other pots preflop, A
, A
, and then PokerStars or something crapped out. A lot of people (not me) got disconnected and the tournament got delayed a good 25 minutes or so. They didn't freeze the blinds though, so we played at 25/50 for one hand, then went to 50/100 for literally 4 minutes and then went to 100/200.
That's when I started to play like a bucket of shit. First, this:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t200 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
UTG (t17175)
UTG+1 (t10875)
MP1 (t8450)
Hero (t11775)
MP3 (t9850)
CO (t10075)
Button (t10750)
SB (t8050)
BB (t13025)
Preflop: Hero is MP2 with Q
, Q
2 folds, MP1 raises to t600, Hero calls t600, 5 folds.
Flop: (t1500) A
, 8
, J
(2 players)
MP1 checks, Hero checks.
Turn: (t1500) J
(2 players)
MP1 checks, Hero checks.
River: (t1500) T
(2 players)
MP1 bets t500, Hero calls t500.
Final Pot: t2500
MP1 has As 7s (two pair, aces and jacks).
Hero has Qd Qs (two pair, queens and jacks).
Outcome: MP1 wins t2500.
Probably should've just repopped. Thought I could just keep it small and outplay him after the flop. I managed to not put much money in behind though, so I guess that's one redeeming feature of this hand.
Then I had AJ back to back in the blinds after a few limpers and didn't raise. One time I bet 300 into 600 on a KQx board, and got called by UTG with 55 who I checked it down with UI. Blech. The other hand I just check/folded it. Lost about 2k (11500 to 9500) in that blind level). Blinds went up to 150/300 and I continued to play bad. Raised a few hands and gave up on the flop. Wasn't feeling to confident.
Even after making a double barrel bluff in a blind vs. blind battle and succeeding:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t300 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
CO (t15275)
Button (t9075)
SB (t9600)
Hero (t9275)
UTG (t15625)
UTG+1 (t7850)
MP1 (t15250)
MP2 (t22650)
MP3 (t18075)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 9
, Q
7 folds, SB raises to t750, Hero calls t450.
Flop: (t1500) A
, K
, 3
(2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks.
Turn: (t1500) 8
(2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets t900, SB calls t900.
River: (t3300) J
(2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets t2500, SB folds.
Final Pot: t5800
I got to the break at 10,775, but found myself down to the felt after some bad flops, and I ended up making the desperation all-in.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t600 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP3 (t16075)
CO (t4825)
Button (t9650)
Hero (t4275)
BB (t20625)
UTG (t12500)
UTG+1 (t26850)
MP1 (t12200)
MP2 (t15675)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Q
, 2
6 folds, Button calls t600, Hero raises to t4275, 1 fold, Button calls t3675.
Flop: (t9150) 2
, T
, 3
(2 players)
Turn: (t9150) 2
(2 players)
River: (t9150) 8
(2 players)
Final Pot: t9150
Hero has Qs 2s (three of a kind, twos).
Button has Ad 6c (one pair, twos).
Outcome: Hero wins t9150.
Fortunately it worked and I was back in the game. Then I got some more chips by making a move on the flop:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t600 (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
CO (t19375)
Button (t16650)
Hero (t10950)
BB (t26350)
UTG (t11000)
UTG+1 (t25950)
MP1 (t15500)
MP2 (t13875)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Q
, K
3 folds, MP2 raises to t1200, 2 folds, Hero calls t900, BB calls t600.
Flop: (t3600) 6
, 6
, 4
(3 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, MP2 bets t1200, Hero raises to t3000, BB folds, MP2 folds.
Final Pot: t7800
I didn't want to reraise here, I just wanted to see what would develop on the flop. A lot of players would have repopped and that's okay too. When the flop came 6-6-4 and he led for only 1/3 pot, I knew he had to have missed. I figured if I don't make a move here the BB very well may. So I checkraise to 3000, with the intent of shutting down if called. I figured a small c/r would be good enough to get him off his whiffed overs. He actually thought about it before folding, then asked me what I had. I told him I had 88 ;).
I got some good luck after that.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t800 - 50 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
SB (t20775)
BB (t33650)
UTG (t9600)
Hero (t12950)
MP1 (t27150)
MP2 (t9000)
MP3 (t23950)
CO (t14700)
Button (t13475)
Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with A
, K
1 fold, Hero calls t800, 1 fold, MP2 raises to t9000, 5 folds, Hero calls t8200.
Flop: (t19200) 7
, Q
, 9
(2 players)
Turn: (t19200) 4
(2 players)
River: (t19200) 7
(2 players)
Final Pot: t19200
Hero has Ad Kd (one pair, sevens).
MP2 has Tc Jc (one pair, sevens).
Outcome: Hero wins t19200.
I think I may have misplayed this hand (going for a limp-reraise when a lot of players are pretty short and would be committed to calling a reraise). So I ended up having to call off most of my chips, albeit with the best hand but not as a huge favorite. Limping in would be a great move with AA/KK though because many despos would push with a limper with mediocre/weak hands but not after a raise.
Then I made a great call:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t800 - 50 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
CO (t9425)
Button (t20050)
SB (t21450)
Hero (t17800)
UTG (t30650)
UTG+1 (t26900)
MP1 (t24250)
MP2 (t14550)
MP3 (t12125)
Preflop: Hero is BB with T
, J
5 folds, CO raises to t1600, 2 folds, Hero calls t800.
Flop: (t2800) T
, 7
, 9
(2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets t7775 (All-In), Hero calls t7775.
Turn: (t18350) 9
(2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t18350) T
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t18350
Hero has Th Jc (full house, tens full of nines).
CO has As Kh (two pair, tens and nines).
Outcome: Hero wins t18350.
I told my friend who was sweating me that it has to be AK when he shoved. Sure enough, that's the exact hand he turns over (of course it could've also been AQ, KQ, etc) . If he makes a bigger PF raise I'm out of there with my JT, but he priced me in to call preflop. Glad he didn't hit on the turn or river.
I got moved to another table right after that and played pretty tight. Then this happened:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t800 - 50 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
BB (t10450)
UTG (t10450)
UTG+1 (t24525)
MP1 (t11850)
Hero (t27875)
MP3 (t35225)
CO (t37200)
Button (t13139)
SB (t11225)
Preflop: Hero is MP2 with A
, J
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t1950, 1 fold, Hero calls t1950, 2 folds, Button calls t1950, 2 folds.
Flop: (t6250) 4
, J
, T
(3 players)
UTG+1 bets t3500, Hero calls t3500, Button calls t3500.
Turn: (t16750) 3
(3 players)
UTG+1 bets t10000, Hero folds, Button folds.
Final Pot: t26750
He's representing an overpair there, so I give him credit and fold. It was a pretty bad call on my part preflop, gap concept and all. With that I had 22,275 at the 2nd break, below average but still not in terrible shape.
After the break this happens:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t1000 - 75 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP3 (t10150)
CO (t11200)
Button (t30336)
SB (t10625)
Hero (t20025)
UTG (t32825)
UTG+1 (t41325)
MP1 (t14853)
MP2 (t10600)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 5
, 4
4 folds, MP3 raises to t3000, 3 folds, Hero calls t2000.
Flop: (t5600) 3
, 6
, K
(2 players)
Hero bets t7075, MP3 calls t7075 (All-In).
Turn: (t19750) T
(2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t19750) J
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t19750
Results in white below:
Hero has 5d 4d (flush, king high).
MP3 has Kc As (one pair, kings).
Outcome: Hero wins t21375.
With the ante I call for the pot odds, even though my stack (and his) is pretty short. Hoping to get lucky here pretty much. On the flop I figure all-in is the best play, he might still call with something like AQ, but even then I'd be a slight favorite with 14 outs plus the BD flush possibility. I end up hitting runner runner diamonds, sending the guy out. Again, he did it to himself with the minraise. God punishes minraisers.
Then this happens:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t1000 - 75 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
SB (t50540)
BB (t10750)
UTG (t32061)
UTG+1 (t11850)
Hero (t30325)
MP2 (t30875)
MP3 (t41550)
CO (t15078)
Button (t8650)
Preflop: Hero is MP1 with K
, K
1 fold, UTG+1 calls t1000, Hero raises to t5000, 6 folds, UTG+1 raises to t11850, Hero calls t6775.
Flop: (t24150) 3
, J
, Q
(2 players)
Turn: (t24150) 8
(2 players)
River: (t24150) 7
(2 players)
Final Pot: t24150
UTG+1 has Ad As (one pair, aces).
Hero has Kd Kh (one pair, kings).
Outcome: UTG+1 wins t25725.
He did the ol' limp-reraise, but what can I do? I have kings. He could easily have AK or QQ there, or even a medium pair. Chalk it up as a cooler, and be lucky to have chips left (~18k at this point).
After that I made my absolute worst play of the tournament:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t1200 - 100 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
Button (t52240)
SB (t9900)
BB (t29711)
UTG (t23450)
Hero (t16200)
MP1 (t30700)
MP2 (t48875)
MP3 (t4003)
CO (t16600)
Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with J
, K
1 fold, Hero raises to t16100, 1 fold, MP2 raises to t48775, 5 folds.
Flop: (t65575) Q
, 5
, 3
(2 players)
Turn: (t65575) A
(2 players)
River: (t65575) T
(2 players)
Final Pot: t65575
Hero has Jd Ks (straight, ace high).
MP2 has Ac Kd (one pair, aces).
Outcome: Hero wins t65575.
I suck. 25% to win before the flop, 14% to win after the flop, 9% to win on the turn. Another runner runner miracle. I actually feel bad for the guy though and apologize after he says "nh". He says it's the site's fault and not mine. I agree. LOL JopkerStars.
I get card dead after that for awhile, then have to make a pretty sick laydown:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t2000 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP3 (t89187)
CO (t58426)
Button (t15561)
SB (t14700)
Hero (t34550)
UTG (t26875)
UTG+1 (t32981)
MP1 (t25150)
MP2 (t24700)
Preflop: Hero is BB with K
, A
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t32781, 2 folds, MP3 raises to t88987, 2 folds, SB calls t13500 (All-In), 1 fold.
Flop: (t136668) 2
, K
, 4
(3 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: (t136668) 5
(3 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t136668) Q
(3 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t136668
SB has Ah Ac (one pair, aces).
UTG+1 has 3s 3c (one pair, threes).
MP3 has Jc Jh (one pair, jacks).
Outcome: MP3 wins t94368. SB wins t42300.
Actually would've won the side pot (the t94368), but I think it's the correct fold. Table was playing reasonable, no 3-betting light or any crap like that, players were coming in with good hands (with the exception of some late position raises, but even then they didn't have total crap, maybe at worst a suited one gapper or suited king). Nobody was challenging a LP raise from the blinds either, not even the big stacks. Sometimes a call, and only a reraise with a strong hand.
Then I got a few more interesting hands before the 3rd break:
Had KQ in the SB with 1000/2000-200. UTG+1 raises to 6000. I move all in for his final 18k on top (hero covers by 8k or so). He goes into the tank, finally folds, tells me he had KQ. I tell him I didn't want to be called but wasn't in bad shape at all if he did call me with KQ. Marginal play actually by me, challenging an UTG+1 raise at a tight table, but it worked and I got him to fold when we were 98% to chop it up.
2nd to last hand before the break. I'm in the BB with 6
. Call a 3x raise from a MP big stack for 4000 more then open-fold a A
flop so I can get my SB in before the break. Just as the next hand gets dealt, it says "The break will start when the current hand finishes". Xpert open-fold by me.
Last hand I have 6
in the SB and manage to raise to 6000 and take the blinds & antes. The guy to my left started out as a big stack but I had him covered soon after, really was playing tight with a big stack. Not that it's necessarily bad, but I feared him a bit when I moved to the table but now didn't have to worry about going after his blind. That put me at 37,950 at the next break with ~1200 left and 1080 getting paid.
We made the money soon after and I was guaranteed $282. Made one or two steals but wasn't really active and was stuck at <40,000 href="" target="_blank">Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
UTG+1 (t364148)
MP1 (t14758)
MP2 (t49448)
MP3 (t62400)
Hero (t39500)
Button (t75072)
SB (t66507)
BB (t81565)
UTG (t95162)
Preflop: Hero is CO with T
, T
5 folds, Hero raises to t39100, 2 folds, BB calls t35100.
Flop: (t77400) 6
, Q
, 8
(2 players)
Turn: (t77400) 5
(2 players)
River: (t77400) Q
(2 players)
Final Pot: t77400
BB has Jd Kc (one pair, queens).
Hero has Td Ts (two pair, queens and tens).
Outcome: Hero wins t83800.
Then a little bit later:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t5000 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP1 (t392390)
MP2 (t87821)
MP3 (t38648)
CO (t51600)
Hero (t73400)
SB (t84372)
BB (t62478)
UTG (t112788)
UTG+1 (t85362)
Preflop: Hero is Button with J
, J
6 folds, Hero raises to t72900, 1 fold, BB calls t56978 (All-In).
Flop: (t133878) T
, Q
, 2
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: (t133878) 3
(2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t133878) 4
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t133878
BB has 9s 9c (one pair, nines).
Hero has Jh Jd (one pair, jacks).
Outcome: Hero wins t133878.
Right after that I got moved, yet again. I was among the bigger stacks and the table was playing tight like the other table. Stood at 129k at the 4th break, which was the first time I actually had an above average stack after the break.
Ran bad after that. Had A
in early/mid position, raised it up to 16500 with 2500/5000-500 and shorty in the SB flats. Flop comes T
. He checks, I put him all-in for 21k, he goes into the tank and finally calls with 8
. Turn 8
, river blank. Blah. I really didn't want him to call. Oh well, can't win every time.
Blinds went up to 3000/6000-600 and I got K
and raised to 18000 in the CO. Shorty moves in for 31000 from the BB, I have to call of course. He has A
. Flop is great for me though: K
and the turn is an uneasy 6
. River of course pairs the 2
, pairing the bottom card and giving him aces up for the win. Blah. Down to 76500 after that.
Then this happened:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t6000 (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
Hero (t64163)
SB (t217886)
BB (t57088)
UTG (t105000)
UTG+1 (t28500)
MP1 (t203355)
MP2 (t123430)
CO (t188827)
Preflop: Hero is Button with 3
, 4
6 folds, Hero raises to t63563, SB raises to t121126, BB calls t50488 (All-In).
Flop: (t238777) Q
, 6
, T
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: (t238777) 5
(2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t238777) 7
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t238777
Results in white below:
BB has Ks Ac (high card, ace).
Hero has 3s 4d (straight, seven high).
SB has Ad Qs (one pair, queens).
Outcome: Hero wins t238777.
AGAIN! Are you kidding me? Runner runner straight! I was sick when I got called in both places and they turned over AK and AQ, but I figured, hey my cards are live, see what happens. I figured I was done after the flop, but turn gave me renewed hope and the miracle came in again on the river.
Then I got fucked over on this hand. I hate AQ!!!
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t8000 (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
Hero (t186814)
UTG (t127523)
UTG+1 (t157170)
MP1 (t99200)
MP2 (t191189)
CO (t288555)
Button (t116630)
SB (t131527)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Q
, A
Hero raises to t26000, 5 folds, Button raises to t56000, 2 folds, Hero raises to t186014, Button calls t59830 (All-In).
Converter's screwed up, but he had TT, flopped a set and won t306644. Figured I'd be racing when he made that stupid reraise, so I was just hoping to get lucky (again). Can't see how I can fold there.
Down to 70k, manage to steal a few times, get to 112k, then get a hand and this happens:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t10000 - 1000 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
UTG+1 (t68343)
Hero (t112384)
MP2 (t138123)
MP3 (t137970)
CO (t235400)
Button (t122989)
SB (t311482)
BB (t232260)
UTG (t333030)
Preflop: Hero is MP1 with Q
, A
2 folds, Hero raises to t111384, 5 folds, BB calls t101384.
Flop: (t220768) 5
, 6
, A
(2 players)
Turn: (t220768) 4
(2 players)
River: (t220768) J
(2 players)
Final Pot: t220768
BB has Td Qd (flush, ace high).
Hero has Qc As (one pair, aces).
Outcome: BB wins t236768.
Had a sick feeling about the hand, didn't like the call, and also had a sick feeling on the flop when he had a flush draw. Oh well. Finished 319th out of 7060 and managed to turn $9 into $706. My biggest tourney cash to date.
Funny thing is I had been waiting so long to play in this event, at least a year and a half, and when I got there it wasn't as great as I thought. Nice to make some money but it was pretty much an all-in fest once you got to the ante stages. That's not to say it wasn't fun though, but I won't be doing this again for awhile. Back to the cash tables. Still haven't decided yet if I'm going to move up to NL $50, but I'm sure it's worth a try now that I have a decent roll.
Very first hand I get A
Then I get this hand:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t50 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP2 (t10000)
MP3 (t9975)
CO (t9875)
Hero (t10300)
SB (t9950)
BB (t10075)
UTG (t10000)
UTG+1 (t10000)
MP1 (t9825)
Preflop: Hero is Button with A
2 folds, MP1 raises to t200, 3 folds, Hero calls t200, 2 folds.
Flop: (t475) 7
MP1 bets t150, Hero calls t150.
Turn: (t775) 8
MP1 checks, Hero bets t500, MP1 calls t500.
River: (t1775) 3
MP1 checks, Hero checks.
Final Pot: t1775
MP1 has Ac Kc (high card, ace).
Hero has Ad 7d (one pair, sevens).
Outcome: Hero wins t1775.
I was going to fire the second barrel on the river, hoping he'd get away from an overpair, but not confident enough in it early on, so I just check it down and hope my hand is good enough in a showdown. He had the flush draw, so MHWG.
Won a few other pots preflop, A
That's when I started to play like a bucket of shit. First, this:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t200 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
UTG (t17175)
UTG+1 (t10875)
MP1 (t8450)
Hero (t11775)
MP3 (t9850)
CO (t10075)
Button (t10750)
SB (t8050)
BB (t13025)
Preflop: Hero is MP2 with Q
2 folds, MP1 raises to t600, Hero calls t600, 5 folds.
Flop: (t1500) A
MP1 checks, Hero checks.
Turn: (t1500) J
MP1 checks, Hero checks.
River: (t1500) T
MP1 bets t500, Hero calls t500.
Final Pot: t2500
MP1 has As 7s (two pair, aces and jacks).
Hero has Qd Qs (two pair, queens and jacks).
Outcome: MP1 wins t2500.
Probably should've just repopped. Thought I could just keep it small and outplay him after the flop. I managed to not put much money in behind though, so I guess that's one redeeming feature of this hand.
Then I had AJ back to back in the blinds after a few limpers and didn't raise. One time I bet 300 into 600 on a KQx board, and got called by UTG with 55 who I checked it down with UI. Blech. The other hand I just check/folded it. Lost about 2k (11500 to 9500) in that blind level). Blinds went up to 150/300 and I continued to play bad. Raised a few hands and gave up on the flop. Wasn't feeling to confident.
Even after making a double barrel bluff in a blind vs. blind battle and succeeding:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t300 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
CO (t15275)
Button (t9075)
SB (t9600)
Hero (t9275)
UTG (t15625)
UTG+1 (t7850)
MP1 (t15250)
MP2 (t22650)
MP3 (t18075)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 9
7 folds, SB raises to t750, Hero calls t450.
Flop: (t1500) A
SB checks, Hero checks.
Turn: (t1500) 8
SB checks, Hero bets t900, SB calls t900.
River: (t3300) J
SB checks, Hero bets t2500, SB folds.
Final Pot: t5800
I got to the break at 10,775, but found myself down to the felt after some bad flops, and I ended up making the desperation all-in.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t600 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP3 (t16075)
CO (t4825)
Button (t9650)
Hero (t4275)
BB (t20625)
UTG (t12500)
UTG+1 (t26850)
MP1 (t12200)
MP2 (t15675)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Q
6 folds, Button calls t600, Hero raises to t4275, 1 fold, Button calls t3675.
Flop: (t9150) 2
Turn: (t9150) 2
River: (t9150) 8
Final Pot: t9150
Hero has Qs 2s (three of a kind, twos).
Button has Ad 6c (one pair, twos).
Outcome: Hero wins t9150.
Fortunately it worked and I was back in the game. Then I got some more chips by making a move on the flop:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t600 (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
CO (t19375)
Button (t16650)
Hero (t10950)
BB (t26350)
UTG (t11000)
UTG+1 (t25950)
MP1 (t15500)
MP2 (t13875)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Q
3 folds, MP2 raises to t1200, 2 folds, Hero calls t900, BB calls t600.
Flop: (t3600) 6
Hero checks, BB checks, MP2 bets t1200, Hero raises to t3000, BB folds, MP2 folds.
Final Pot: t7800
I didn't want to reraise here, I just wanted to see what would develop on the flop. A lot of players would have repopped and that's okay too. When the flop came 6-6-4 and he led for only 1/3 pot, I knew he had to have missed. I figured if I don't make a move here the BB very well may. So I checkraise to 3000, with the intent of shutting down if called. I figured a small c/r would be good enough to get him off his whiffed overs. He actually thought about it before folding, then asked me what I had. I told him I had 88 ;).
I got some good luck after that.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t800 - 50 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
SB (t20775)
BB (t33650)
UTG (t9600)
Hero (t12950)
MP1 (t27150)
MP2 (t9000)
MP3 (t23950)
CO (t14700)
Button (t13475)
Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with A
1 fold, Hero calls t800, 1 fold, MP2 raises to t9000, 5 folds, Hero calls t8200.
Flop: (t19200) 7
Turn: (t19200) 4
River: (t19200) 7
Final Pot: t19200
Hero has Ad Kd (one pair, sevens).
MP2 has Tc Jc (one pair, sevens).
Outcome: Hero wins t19200.
I think I may have misplayed this hand (going for a limp-reraise when a lot of players are pretty short and would be committed to calling a reraise). So I ended up having to call off most of my chips, albeit with the best hand but not as a huge favorite. Limping in would be a great move with AA/KK though because many despos would push with a limper with mediocre/weak hands but not after a raise.
Then I made a great call:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t800 - 50 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
CO (t9425)
Button (t20050)
SB (t21450)
Hero (t17800)
UTG (t30650)
UTG+1 (t26900)
MP1 (t24250)
MP2 (t14550)
MP3 (t12125)
Preflop: Hero is BB with T
5 folds, CO raises to t1600, 2 folds, Hero calls t800.
Flop: (t2800) T
Hero checks, CO bets t7775 (All-In), Hero calls t7775.
Turn: (t18350) 9
River: (t18350) T
Final Pot: t18350
Hero has Th Jc (full house, tens full of nines).
CO has As Kh (two pair, tens and nines).
Outcome: Hero wins t18350.
I told my friend who was sweating me that it has to be AK when he shoved. Sure enough, that's the exact hand he turns over (of course it could've also been AQ, KQ, etc) . If he makes a bigger PF raise I'm out of there with my JT, but he priced me in to call preflop. Glad he didn't hit on the turn or river.
I got moved to another table right after that and played pretty tight. Then this happened:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t800 - 50 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
BB (t10450)
UTG (t10450)
UTG+1 (t24525)
MP1 (t11850)
Hero (t27875)
MP3 (t35225)
CO (t37200)
Button (t13139)
SB (t11225)
Preflop: Hero is MP2 with A
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t1950, 1 fold, Hero calls t1950, 2 folds, Button calls t1950, 2 folds.
Flop: (t6250) 4
UTG+1 bets t3500, Hero calls t3500, Button calls t3500.
Turn: (t16750) 3
UTG+1 bets t10000, Hero folds, Button folds.
Final Pot: t26750
He's representing an overpair there, so I give him credit and fold. It was a pretty bad call on my part preflop, gap concept and all. With that I had 22,275 at the 2nd break, below average but still not in terrible shape.
After the break this happens:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t1000 - 75 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP3 (t10150)
CO (t11200)
Button (t30336)
SB (t10625)
Hero (t20025)
UTG (t32825)
UTG+1 (t41325)
MP1 (t14853)
MP2 (t10600)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 5
4 folds, MP3 raises to t3000, 3 folds, Hero calls t2000.
Flop: (t5600) 3
Hero bets t7075, MP3 calls t7075 (All-In).
Turn: (t19750) T
River: (t19750) J
Final Pot: t19750
Results in white below:
Hero has 5d 4d (flush, king high).
MP3 has Kc As (one pair, kings).
Outcome: Hero wins t21375.
With the ante I call for the pot odds, even though my stack (and his) is pretty short. Hoping to get lucky here pretty much. On the flop I figure all-in is the best play, he might still call with something like AQ, but even then I'd be a slight favorite with 14 outs plus the BD flush possibility. I end up hitting runner runner diamonds, sending the guy out. Again, he did it to himself with the minraise. God punishes minraisers.
Then this happens:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t1000 - 75 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
SB (t50540)
BB (t10750)
UTG (t32061)
UTG+1 (t11850)
Hero (t30325)
MP2 (t30875)
MP3 (t41550)
CO (t15078)
Button (t8650)
Preflop: Hero is MP1 with K
1 fold, UTG+1 calls t1000, Hero raises to t5000, 6 folds, UTG+1 raises to t11850, Hero calls t6775.
Flop: (t24150) 3
Turn: (t24150) 8
River: (t24150) 7
Final Pot: t24150
UTG+1 has Ad As (one pair, aces).
Hero has Kd Kh (one pair, kings).
Outcome: UTG+1 wins t25725.
He did the ol' limp-reraise, but what can I do? I have kings. He could easily have AK or QQ there, or even a medium pair. Chalk it up as a cooler, and be lucky to have chips left (~18k at this point).
After that I made my absolute worst play of the tournament:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t1200 - 100 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
Button (t52240)
SB (t9900)
BB (t29711)
UTG (t23450)
Hero (t16200)
MP1 (t30700)
MP2 (t48875)
MP3 (t4003)
CO (t16600)
Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with J
1 fold, Hero raises to t16100, 1 fold, MP2 raises to t48775, 5 folds.
Flop: (t65575) Q
Turn: (t65575) A
River: (t65575) T
Final Pot: t65575
Hero has Jd Ks (straight, ace high).
MP2 has Ac Kd (one pair, aces).
Outcome: Hero wins t65575.
I suck. 25% to win before the flop, 14% to win after the flop, 9% to win on the turn. Another runner runner miracle. I actually feel bad for the guy though and apologize after he says "nh". He says it's the site's fault and not mine. I agree. LOL JopkerStars.
I get card dead after that for awhile, then have to make a pretty sick laydown:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t2000 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP3 (t89187)
CO (t58426)
Button (t15561)
SB (t14700)
Hero (t34550)
UTG (t26875)
UTG+1 (t32981)
MP1 (t25150)
MP2 (t24700)
Preflop: Hero is BB with K
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t32781, 2 folds, MP3 raises to t88987, 2 folds, SB calls t13500 (All-In), 1 fold.
Flop: (t136668) 2
Turn: (t136668) 5
River: (t136668) Q
Final Pot: t136668
SB has Ah Ac (one pair, aces).
UTG+1 has 3s 3c (one pair, threes).
MP3 has Jc Jh (one pair, jacks).
Outcome: MP3 wins t94368. SB wins t42300.
Actually would've won the side pot (the t94368), but I think it's the correct fold. Table was playing reasonable, no 3-betting light or any crap like that, players were coming in with good hands (with the exception of some late position raises, but even then they didn't have total crap, maybe at worst a suited one gapper or suited king). Nobody was challenging a LP raise from the blinds either, not even the big stacks. Sometimes a call, and only a reraise with a strong hand.
Then I got a few more interesting hands before the 3rd break:
Had KQ in the SB with 1000/2000-200. UTG+1 raises to 6000. I move all in for his final 18k on top (hero covers by 8k or so). He goes into the tank, finally folds, tells me he had KQ. I tell him I didn't want to be called but wasn't in bad shape at all if he did call me with KQ. Marginal play actually by me, challenging an UTG+1 raise at a tight table, but it worked and I got him to fold when we were 98% to chop it up.
2nd to last hand before the break. I'm in the BB with 6
Last hand I have 6
We made the money soon after and I was guaranteed $282. Made one or two steals but wasn't really active and was stuck at <40,000 href="" target="_blank">Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
UTG+1 (t364148)
MP1 (t14758)
MP2 (t49448)
MP3 (t62400)
Hero (t39500)
Button (t75072)
SB (t66507)
BB (t81565)
UTG (t95162)
Preflop: Hero is CO with T
5 folds, Hero raises to t39100, 2 folds, BB calls t35100.
Flop: (t77400) 6
Turn: (t77400) 5
River: (t77400) Q
Final Pot: t77400
BB has Jd Kc (one pair, queens).
Hero has Td Ts (two pair, queens and tens).
Outcome: Hero wins t83800.
Then a little bit later:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t5000 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
MP1 (t392390)
MP2 (t87821)
MP3 (t38648)
CO (t51600)
Hero (t73400)
SB (t84372)
BB (t62478)
UTG (t112788)
UTG+1 (t85362)
Preflop: Hero is Button with J
6 folds, Hero raises to t72900, 1 fold, BB calls t56978 (All-In).
Flop: (t133878) T
Turn: (t133878) 3
River: (t133878) 4
Final Pot: t133878
BB has 9s 9c (one pair, nines).
Hero has Jh Jd (one pair, jacks).
Outcome: Hero wins t133878.
Right after that I got moved, yet again. I was among the bigger stacks and the table was playing tight like the other table. Stood at 129k at the 4th break, which was the first time I actually had an above average stack after the break.
Ran bad after that. Had A
Blinds went up to 3000/6000-600 and I got K
Then this happened:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t6000 (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
Hero (t64163)
SB (t217886)
BB (t57088)
UTG (t105000)
UTG+1 (t28500)
MP1 (t203355)
MP2 (t123430)
CO (t188827)
Preflop: Hero is Button with 3
6 folds, Hero raises to t63563, SB raises to t121126, BB calls t50488 (All-In).
Flop: (t238777) Q
Turn: (t238777) 5
River: (t238777) 7
Final Pot: t238777
Results in white below:
BB has Ks Ac (high card, ace).
Hero has 3s 4d (straight, seven high).
SB has Ad Qs (one pair, queens).
Outcome: Hero wins t238777.
AGAIN! Are you kidding me? Runner runner straight! I was sick when I got called in both places and they turned over AK and AQ, but I figured, hey my cards are live, see what happens. I figured I was done after the flop, but turn gave me renewed hope and the miracle came in again on the river.
Then I got fucked over on this hand. I hate AQ!!!
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t8000 (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
Hero (t186814)
UTG (t127523)
UTG+1 (t157170)
MP1 (t99200)
MP2 (t191189)
CO (t288555)
Button (t116630)
SB (t131527)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Q
Hero raises to t26000, 5 folds, Button raises to t56000, 2 folds, Hero raises to t186014, Button calls t59830 (All-In).
Converter's screwed up, but he had TT, flopped a set and won t306644. Figured I'd be racing when he made that stupid reraise, so I was just hoping to get lucky (again). Can't see how I can fold there.
Down to 70k, manage to steal a few times, get to 112k, then get a hand and this happens:
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t10000 - 1000 ante (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)
UTG+1 (t68343)
Hero (t112384)
MP2 (t138123)
MP3 (t137970)
CO (t235400)
Button (t122989)
SB (t311482)
BB (t232260)
UTG (t333030)
Preflop: Hero is MP1 with Q
2 folds, Hero raises to t111384, 5 folds, BB calls t101384.
Flop: (t220768) 5
Turn: (t220768) 4
River: (t220768) J
Final Pot: t220768
BB has Td Qd (flush, ace high).
Hero has Qc As (one pair, aces).
Outcome: BB wins t236768.
Had a sick feeling about the hand, didn't like the call, and also had a sick feeling on the flop when he had a flush draw. Oh well. Finished 319th out of 7060 and managed to turn $9 into $706. My biggest tourney cash to date.
Funny thing is I had been waiting so long to play in this event, at least a year and a half, and when I got there it wasn't as great as I thought. Nice to make some money but it was pretty much an all-in fest once you got to the ante stages. That's not to say it wasn't fun though, but I won't be doing this again for awhile. Back to the cash tables. Still haven't decided yet if I'm going to move up to NL $50, but I'm sure it's worth a try now that I have a decent roll.