Another Update

Not much happening this month with poker unfortunately. Have a lot of other stuff going on that's taken away from it. The LOLMAHA hasn't been running every night so even when I have been available to play it I haven't been able to much. Played it twice since the last post, both times entering at the last second and not taking the add-on. Seems like the players are better now and not eliminating themselves in stupid spots so this strategy is becoming less effective.

First one I had JJxx and flopped top set of Js and it was 3 way with a potential flush draw on there. I checked and then raised all-in which was really only double the original bet so I knew the guy wasn't folding. Actually both players ended up calling (with the player to my left putting in the full amount cold). Turn was an A and the flush came in on the river but also paired the board with a 2nd T. Thought I was in great shape but the player who originally bet had AAxx with the flush cards and happened to spike top set on the turn. Sigh. Definitely ok with the way I played it though. Knew I had little to no fold equity (although I figured the first player would pass with nothing invested on the flop, he mucked a K high flush btw) but needed to win a huge pot to try and accumulate chips.

Second tournament I was pretty card dead and with about 7 BBs left I had to shove KKxx with 1 suit and ended up running into the BBs AAxx. Flopped a flush draw but received no further help and I was gone. Both times I was out as the first player after the rebuy/add-on period with either 5 or 6 left both times. 

Then tonight I was planning on getting in just now but got some stupid update thing on my phone, got distracted, and when I went back to the computer the late registration period had ended. Oh well. Looked at the cash game action and not feeling waiting to get into a game as the few tables that were running were full. 

Honestly I haven't really been feeling it lately anyway. Not as much passion for poker as when I restarted this blog. Have other stuff going on occupying my time and dealing with a lot of crap with my job at the moment as well. Next month I will be going to Vegas and I expect to play but it may just be a low limit game or two. Until then I'll see what happens. I do have a Sunday night off coming up in a few weeks because of Easter with nothing planned so I expect to play the freeroll. 

That's all for now.


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