
Showing posts from August, 2010


Took the afternoon off Friday and headed to Foxwoods. Got to the poker room at around 2 and I was looking to play 4/8 Omaha8. However, the list was about 8 people long, and the person at the desk said that there was an interest list going for 1/2 Pot-Limit O8. It was open seating at that point, so I joined in and soon we had a full table of 10 people and the game got going. Early on I made a pretty bad blunder with a strong hand. I had A Q 4 2 on the button and called a $6 raise. One of the blinds also called and the flop came with 2 clubs and 2 low cards, giving me a Q-high flush draw and the nut low draw. I called a $12 bet from the preflop raiser, the other player folded and we were heads up. The turn was the 5 , completing both of my draws. The PFR checked and I checked behind (I know, terrible). The river was th e , 5 putting a possible full house on board. He checked again and I not only check behind but I turn my hand face up instead of letting my opponent reveal his cards. My...