LOL Donkaments
Alright so tonight I played in this private donkament on Stars. $11 no-limit. As usual, played well in the beginning and then blew up at the end. There were two questionable hands.
With the blinds at 75/150, and 8 handed, UTG+1 opens for 300. I am next to act and have A
. I consider moving in but the UTG player was pretty passive. I decide to flat call the 300 with only 1355 effective stack behind (I have him covered by 600 chips). Luckily for me everyone else folds.
Flop comes down K
. He checks, I put him all in, he calls with AA, and of course I can't hit my flush. My bet was more than pot sized, but anything commits me there, so I figured I'd put him in and if he had something like 99/TT/JJ, maybe he folds since it's for all his chips. I think my mistake though was preflop, shouldn't have even been involved in the hand. If I had unsuited AJ, I would have folded without much thought.
Two hands later I'm UTG with the blinds the same and I move in for 600 with Q
. Another suited hand. Folded to a player in MP who has me covered, he reraises, I go heads up with him, he shows QQ, and it easily holds up. I guess that one's not so bad, if I fold I face the probability of having to call an all-in from the blinds, and if I fold from the blinds I have 375 left.
Nothing too special but that's probably the last online poker I play for awhile, if ever given the legislation that passed regarding online gambling. It's very difficult to deposit on Stars now, can't use a credit card, and I don't really want to give them my bank information. To get the buyin for this tournament I had to send someone the funds on paypal and have them transfer me the money on Stars. Not really an option going forward for getting any significant amount of money onto the site.
That said though, Mohegan Sun has a poker room now and spreads $3/$6 limit hold'em. Maybe it's time to take a trip down there and check it out. It's been awhile since I've been in a game where 9 people have taken a flop.