
I'm starting to get back into chess, a game I played in the wild days of my youth, and was quite good at. Here is a game I played earlier (I'm black).

1. e4 c5
He opens with e4, I respond with the Sicilian Defense.
2. Nc3 e6
3. Nf3 Nc6
4. d4 cxd4
5. Nxd4 a6
He's developing, I'm developing, nothing much going on thus far.

6. Nf3 Nf6
7. a3 d5
8. e5 Ng4
9. Bf4 Bc5
Trying to set up a fork here with Nf2
10. Be3 Nxe3
He sees it, but no worries. I'm going to get a bishop and pawn for a knight here.

11. fxe3 Bxe3
I complete the trade.
12. Qd3 Bf4
Good move by him here, I' m forced to retreat with my bishop.
13. Qe2 Qb6
I decide it's time to bring my queen out.
14. b4 Nxe5
I grab a pawn that was sitting there. My knight is nicely protected by the f4 bishop, though white has his queen protecting a possible Nxe5 attack.
15. Nxe5 Qd4!
He does indeed capture my knight, but I have something in store for him. My queen now pins his two knights.

16. Qd3 Qxe5+
He takes literally 5 minutes to make his next move, which was pretty obvious. He doesn't want to give up his knight and go into check, but he has no other option.
17. Be2 O-O
I know he's moving Be2 to get out of check, so I just use my next move to castle.
18. O-O Be3+
He castles as well, I apply some pressure and put him in check again.
19. Kh1 Bd4
I move my bishop back but also put pressure on his knight at c3.
20. Rf3 Bxc3
He moves his rook up and I capture his knight. As you can see my queen is protecting the c3 square and my bishop is also putting pressure on his rook.

21. Rh3 h6
He tries to sneak a backdoor Qh7 checkmate on me but I'm not falling for it.
22. Qxc3 Qxe2
Good few moves by him here though, he takes my bishop and removes the threat. I do however get to capture his bishop at e2.
23. Rg3 f6
Tries to subtly sneak another checkmate on me, I move another pawn out to block.
24. Qc7 g5
LOL! He won't stop with the checkmate threats. Gotta admire his persistence, but I put an end to it by moving the g7 pawn out.
25. Rh3 Qe5
I make him an offer he can't refuse. I have no problem trading queens when I'm ahead in material.

26. Qxe5 fxe5
We complete the trade.
27. Rxh6 Kg7
He grabs a pawn, I move my king to threaten the rook.
28. Rh3 Bd7
He retreats, I get my bishop out there, even though my pawns are blocking it atm.
29. g4 Rac8
I get my rook into position and threaten his pawn at c2.
30. Rh5 Kg6
He inches his rook back toward my king, and I threaten it again.

31. h4 gxh4
He doesn't want to move it back this time. Instead, he wants to trade pawns. Fine by me.
32. Rxh4 Rxc2
Meanwhile I grab an extra pawn at c2 and get into position to make the kill.
33. Rg1 d4
34. g5 Bc6+
He's trying to put me in check with Rh6, but I beat him to the punch. He has only one move out, and I have a forced checkmate. The game will be over in a few moves.
35. Rg2 Rf1+
I don't take the rook just yet. I get my other rook in position. He again has just one move to get out of check.

36. Kh2 Rxg2+
37. Kh3 Rh1#
Game, set, match.


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