More Omaha Fun
Had some more Omaha8 fun tonight, but before that fired up a couple tables of $25NL and ran like a bucket of shit. Got dealt tons of over pairs and lost almost every time. One hand I had JJ, raised to $.85 UTG, SB called. Flop came 2-3-6 and I led for $1.50. He shoves for about $12 total and I said to myself "fuck this asshole" as I instacalled. Turn came A (beautiful), river was a brick, and he turns over 62. Great. Another hand I had QQ, UTG raised to $1, I flat called in position, all else fold. Flop comes T-8-2 twotone or something like that. He led for $1, I figured of course he was weak so raised him right there to $4. He thinks and calls, and of course I tell myself he has JJ and nothing else. Turn is a blank, he checks, I bet $7, and he checkraises to $20. I still convince myself he has JJ and refuse to fold. So I put it all-in with him, river comes a K, and he shows AA. Should've checked back the turn but really didn't think he'd checkraise with one fucking pair. He'd either fold to another barrel or call down. I probably would've taken the free showdown too.
Now onto the Omaha stuff. Played two tables and here's some hands.
Hand #49037075-3823 at Middletown (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:22:46
mirage042405 is at seat 0 with $30.15.
Hero is at seat 1 with $21.35.
Eazybeev is at seat 5 with $15.46.
turokrem is at seat 7 with $16.71.
T7778 is at seat 8 with $28.06.
The button is at seat 1.
Eazybeev posts the small blind of $.10.
turokrem posts the big blind of $.25.
mirage042405: -- -- -- --
Hero: 4
Eazybeev: -- -- -- --
turokrem: -- -- -- --
T7778: -- -- -- --
T7778 raises to $.85. mirage042405 calls.
Hero calls. Eazybeev folds. turokrem folds.
Call this raise from a maniac (the very last hand he raised KQJT). I figure I have some implied odds to hit something.
Flop (board: 3
T7778 bets $2.90. mirage042405 calls. Hero
I overcall with the nut low. I assume there's a good chance I'm the only one with A4.
Turn (board: 3
T7778 bets $11.60. mirage042405 calls. Hero
Get counterfeited and I highly doubt my fours up are any good.
River (board: 3
T7778 goes all-in for $12.71. mirage042405 calls.
T7778 shows 5s 2s 3s Ad.
T7778 has 5s Ad 3c 2c 4c: straight, five high (high).
T7778 has 5s Ad 3c 2c 4c: 5 4 3 2 A (low).
mirage042405 shows Ah 5d Ts 9c.
mirage042405 has Ah 5d 3c 2c 4c: straight, five high (high).
mirage042405 has Ah 5d 3c 2c 4c: 5 4 3 2 A (low).
Hand #49037075-3823 Summary:
$2 is raked from a pot of $60.22.
T7778 wins $14.56 of a $29.12 pot with straight, five high (high).
mirage042405 wins $14.56 of a $29.12 pot with straight, five high (high).
T7778 wins $14.56 of a $29.10 pot with 5 4 3 2 A (low).
mirage042405 wins $14.54 of a $29.10 pot with 5 4 3 2 A (low).
People leave and I end up playing heads up with the other villain in this hand, who had also shown himself to be a maniac.
Hand #49037075-3831 at Middletown (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:27:44
mirage042405 is at seat 0 with $58.73.
Hero is at seat 1 with $15.75.
Eazybeev is at seat 5 with $31.73.
The button is at seat 0.
Hero posts the small blind of $.10.
Eazybeev rejects big blind.
(SB returned to Hero)
Hand #49037075-3831 at Middletown (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:27:53
mirage042405 is at seat 0 with $58.73.
Hero is at seat 1 with $15.75.
Eazybeev is at seat 5 with $31.73 (sitting out).
The button is at seat 1.
Hero posts the small blind of $.10.
mirage042405 posts the big blind of $.25.
mirage042405: -- -- -- --
Hero: K
Hero calls. mirage042405 checks.
Maybe could raise this but I figure he's probably going to raise a lot of pots and I'd just try and play flops with him.
Flop (board: T
mirage042405 checks. Hero bets $.50.
mirage042405 calls.
Got an OESD and low draw which would be weak at a full table but are probably good here, so I take a stab on the flop.
Turn (board: T
mirage042405 bets $.40. Hero raises to $2.70.
mirage042405 calls.
I get make both my straight and low on the turn, so I raise his weak-lead.
River (board: T
mirage042405 checks. Hero bets $6.90.
mirage042405 folds. Hero is returned $6.90
I pot it, but do not get a call. My guess is he had an OESD or wrap draw.
Hand #49037075-3831 Summary:
$.26 is raked from a pot of $6.90.
Hero wins $6.64.
Hand #49037075-3833 at Middletown (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:28:54
mirage042405 is at seat 0 with $55.18.
Hero is at seat 1 with $19.04.
The button is at seat 1.
Hero posts the small blind of $.10.
mirage042405 posts the big blind of $.25.
mirage042405: -- -- -- --
Hero: A
Hero raises to $.75. mirage042405 re-raises to
$2.25. Hero calls.
Now I do raise and get reraised. Really don't like playing in reraised pots but I have too good of a hand to not put in the extra $1.50 and see a flop.
Flop (board: 5
mirage042405 bets $4.50. Hero goes all-in for
$16.79. mirage042405 calls.
I figure it's push or fold at this point, so with my nut lo draw and overpair, overcard, and backdoor flush draw I move in and hope for the best. I get called of course.
Turn (board: 5
(no action in this round)
River (board: 5
(no action in this round)
Hero shows Ad 2c Js Jc.
Hero has 2c Jc 4c Ac 5c: flush, ace high (high).
Hero has no qualifying low hand.
mirage042405 mucks cards.
(mirage042405 has Kd Kh Qd 8c.)
Hand #49037075-3833 Summary:
$1 is raked from a pot of $38.08.
Hero wins $37.08 with flush, ace high.
He had kings to my jacks, but according to twodimes I had 56-44% equity when the money went in. End up scooping the most unlikely way, by backdooring a flush and bricking my lo, even though the A on the turn was all I needed.
Left after that hand, felt kinda bad but you gotta do what you gotta do. Really didn't want to race against him all night.
After that things started to go well at the other table too.
Hand #49036060-8505 at Baden (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:35:30
dip-stick is at seat 0 with $9.40.
Evgeny is at seat 1 with $5.
cmbauza is at seat 2 with $2.87.
Ace_bombs55 is at seat 3 with $9.35.
Hero is at seat 4 with $27.43.
ckano is at seat 5 with $0 (sitting out).
adamgill is at seat 7 with $23.88.
kestrelkid is at seat 8 with $27.52.
Wolf Creek is at seat 9 with $9.96.
The button is at seat 7.
kestrelkid posts the small blind of $.10.
Wolf Creek posts the big blind of $.25.
dip-stick: -- -- -- --
Evgeny: -- -- -- --
cmbauza: -- -- -- --
Ace_bombs55: -- -- -- --
Hero: 5
adamgill: -- -- -- --
kestrelkid: -- -- -- --
Wolf Creek: -- -- -- --
dip-stick folds. Evgeny calls. cmbauza folds.
Ace_bombs55 folds. Hero calls. adamgill
folds. kestrelkid calls. Wolf Creek checks.
Implied odds and all that junk.
Flop (board: 3
kestrelkid checks. Wolf Creek bets $.25. Evgeny
calls. Hero raises to $1.50. kestrelkid
calls. Wolf Creek calls. Evgeny calls.
I make a play here with an OESD/weak low and the second nut flush draw. Figured with my position it might at least get me a free turn. Thought I might get some folds as well but the guy right behind me INSTACALLS the $1.50. Good play?
Turn (board: 3
kestrelkid checks. Wolf Creek checks. Evgeny
checks. Hero bets $7. kestrelkid calls.
Wolf Creek folds. Evgeny folds.
BINGO BANGO BONGO! Best card in the deck gives me the nuts for hi and lo. I of course bet pot and get one caller.
River (board: 3
kestrelkid checks. Hero goes all-in for $18.68.
kestrelkid calls.
Easy shove as I'm guaranteed 3/4. He calls pretty quickly.
Hero shows 5h Kh 4s 2d.
Hero has 5h Kh 3h 4h Ah: flush, ace high (high).
Hero has 5h 2d 3h 4h Ah: 5 4 3 2 A (low).
kestrelkid mucks cards.
(kestrelkid has 9h Kc Kd Th.)
Hand #49036060-8505 Summary:
$2.32 is raked from a pot of $58.36.
Hero wins $28.02 with flush, ace high (high).
Hero wins $28.02 with 5 4 3 2 A (low).
Perhaps my flop raise led him to believe that I didn't have a flush, but who knows?
One more hand.
Hand #49036060-8508 at Baden (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:38:36
dip-stick is at seat 0 with $7.40.
Evgeny is at seat 1 with $1.25.
cmbauza is at seat 2 with $2.87.
Ace_bombs55 is at seat 3 with $14.57.
Hero is at seat 4 with $56.04.
chb_138 is at seat 5 with $10.
adamgill is at seat 7 with $23.63.
kestrelkid is at seat 8 with $4.30.
Wolf Creek is at seat 9 with $7.71.
The button is at seat 0.
Evgeny posts the small blind of $.10.
cmbauza posts the big blind of $.25.
(chb_138 did not post OT, is sitting out.)
dip-stick: -- -- -- --
Evgeny: -- -- -- --
cmbauza: -- -- -- --
Ace_bombs55: -- -- -- --
Hero: A
adamgill: -- -- -- --
kestrelkid: -- -- -- --
Wolf Creek: -- -- -- --
Ace_bombs55 folds. Hero raises to $.85.
adamgill folds. kestrelkid calls. Wolf Creek folds.
dip-stick folds. Evgeny calls. cmbauza folds.
I read something somewhere about not wanting to raise in EP because it chases away some of the weaker hands you want in there (such as A3), but I can't imagine that applying in this game. If there were maniacs at the table I might have gone for the limp-reraise however.
Flop (board: 4
Evgeny checks. Hero bets $2.80. kestrelkid
folds. Evgeny folds. Hero is returned $2.80
Not the best flop, but I look at the remaining stack sizes. One player has $.40 left and the other has $3.45. With an overpair and a flush draw (albeit on a paired board), I don't mind getting it in with that guy for just over a pot sized bet. They both missed however and threw their hands away.
Hand #49036060-8508 Summary:
$.10 is raked from a pot of $2.80.
Hero wins $2.70.
Now onto the Omaha stuff. Played two tables and here's some hands.
Hand #49037075-3823 at Middletown (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:22:46
mirage042405 is at seat 0 with $30.15.
Hero is at seat 1 with $21.35.
Eazybeev is at seat 5 with $15.46.
turokrem is at seat 7 with $16.71.
T7778 is at seat 8 with $28.06.
The button is at seat 1.
Eazybeev posts the small blind of $.10.
turokrem posts the big blind of $.25.
mirage042405: -- -- -- --
Hero: 4
Eazybeev: -- -- -- --
turokrem: -- -- -- --
T7778: -- -- -- --
T7778 raises to $.85. mirage042405 calls.
Hero calls. Eazybeev folds. turokrem folds.
Call this raise from a maniac (the very last hand he raised KQJT). I figure I have some implied odds to hit something.
Flop (board: 3
T7778 bets $2.90. mirage042405 calls. Hero
I overcall with the nut low. I assume there's a good chance I'm the only one with A4.
Turn (board: 3
T7778 bets $11.60. mirage042405 calls. Hero
Get counterfeited and I highly doubt my fours up are any good.
River (board: 3
T7778 goes all-in for $12.71. mirage042405 calls.
T7778 shows 5s 2s 3s Ad.
T7778 has 5s Ad 3c 2c 4c: straight, five high (high).
T7778 has 5s Ad 3c 2c 4c: 5 4 3 2 A (low).
mirage042405 shows Ah 5d Ts 9c.
mirage042405 has Ah 5d 3c 2c 4c: straight, five high (high).
mirage042405 has Ah 5d 3c 2c 4c: 5 4 3 2 A (low).
Hand #49037075-3823 Summary:
$2 is raked from a pot of $60.22.
T7778 wins $14.56 of a $29.12 pot with straight, five high (high).
mirage042405 wins $14.56 of a $29.12 pot with straight, five high (high).
T7778 wins $14.56 of a $29.10 pot with 5 4 3 2 A (low).
mirage042405 wins $14.54 of a $29.10 pot with 5 4 3 2 A (low).
People leave and I end up playing heads up with the other villain in this hand, who had also shown himself to be a maniac.
Hand #49037075-3831 at Middletown (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:27:44
mirage042405 is at seat 0 with $58.73.
Hero is at seat 1 with $15.75.
Eazybeev is at seat 5 with $31.73.
The button is at seat 0.
Hero posts the small blind of $.10.
Eazybeev rejects big blind.
(SB returned to Hero)
Hand #49037075-3831 at Middletown (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:27:53
mirage042405 is at seat 0 with $58.73.
Hero is at seat 1 with $15.75.
Eazybeev is at seat 5 with $31.73 (sitting out).
The button is at seat 1.
Hero posts the small blind of $.10.
mirage042405 posts the big blind of $.25.
mirage042405: -- -- -- --
Hero: K
Hero calls. mirage042405 checks.
Maybe could raise this but I figure he's probably going to raise a lot of pots and I'd just try and play flops with him.
Flop (board: T
mirage042405 checks. Hero bets $.50.
mirage042405 calls.
Got an OESD and low draw which would be weak at a full table but are probably good here, so I take a stab on the flop.
Turn (board: T
mirage042405 bets $.40. Hero raises to $2.70.
mirage042405 calls.
I get make both my straight and low on the turn, so I raise his weak-lead.
River (board: T
mirage042405 checks. Hero bets $6.90.
mirage042405 folds. Hero is returned $6.90
I pot it, but do not get a call. My guess is he had an OESD or wrap draw.
Hand #49037075-3831 Summary:
$.26 is raked from a pot of $6.90.
Hero wins $6.64.
Hand #49037075-3833 at Middletown (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:28:54
mirage042405 is at seat 0 with $55.18.
Hero is at seat 1 with $19.04.
The button is at seat 1.
Hero posts the small blind of $.10.
mirage042405 posts the big blind of $.25.
mirage042405: -- -- -- --
Hero: A
Hero raises to $.75. mirage042405 re-raises to
$2.25. Hero calls.
Now I do raise and get reraised. Really don't like playing in reraised pots but I have too good of a hand to not put in the extra $1.50 and see a flop.
Flop (board: 5
mirage042405 bets $4.50. Hero goes all-in for
$16.79. mirage042405 calls.
I figure it's push or fold at this point, so with my nut lo draw and overpair, overcard, and backdoor flush draw I move in and hope for the best. I get called of course.
Turn (board: 5
(no action in this round)
River (board: 5
(no action in this round)
Hero shows Ad 2c Js Jc.
Hero has 2c Jc 4c Ac 5c: flush, ace high (high).
Hero has no qualifying low hand.
mirage042405 mucks cards.
(mirage042405 has Kd Kh Qd 8c.)
Hand #49037075-3833 Summary:
$1 is raked from a pot of $38.08.
Hero wins $37.08 with flush, ace high.
He had kings to my jacks, but according to twodimes I had 56-44% equity when the money went in. End up scooping the most unlikely way, by backdooring a flush and bricking my lo, even though the A on the turn was all I needed.
Left after that hand, felt kinda bad but you gotta do what you gotta do. Really didn't want to race against him all night.
After that things started to go well at the other table too.
Hand #49036060-8505 at Baden (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:35:30
dip-stick is at seat 0 with $9.40.
Evgeny is at seat 1 with $5.
cmbauza is at seat 2 with $2.87.
Ace_bombs55 is at seat 3 with $9.35.
Hero is at seat 4 with $27.43.
ckano is at seat 5 with $0 (sitting out).
adamgill is at seat 7 with $23.88.
kestrelkid is at seat 8 with $27.52.
Wolf Creek is at seat 9 with $9.96.
The button is at seat 7.
kestrelkid posts the small blind of $.10.
Wolf Creek posts the big blind of $.25.
dip-stick: -- -- -- --
Evgeny: -- -- -- --
cmbauza: -- -- -- --
Ace_bombs55: -- -- -- --
Hero: 5
adamgill: -- -- -- --
kestrelkid: -- -- -- --
Wolf Creek: -- -- -- --
dip-stick folds. Evgeny calls. cmbauza folds.
Ace_bombs55 folds. Hero calls. adamgill
folds. kestrelkid calls. Wolf Creek checks.
Implied odds and all that junk.
Flop (board: 3
kestrelkid checks. Wolf Creek bets $.25. Evgeny
calls. Hero raises to $1.50. kestrelkid
calls. Wolf Creek calls. Evgeny calls.
I make a play here with an OESD/weak low and the second nut flush draw. Figured with my position it might at least get me a free turn. Thought I might get some folds as well but the guy right behind me INSTACALLS the $1.50. Good play?
Turn (board: 3
kestrelkid checks. Wolf Creek checks. Evgeny
checks. Hero bets $7. kestrelkid calls.
Wolf Creek folds. Evgeny folds.
BINGO BANGO BONGO! Best card in the deck gives me the nuts for hi and lo. I of course bet pot and get one caller.
River (board: 3
kestrelkid checks. Hero goes all-in for $18.68.
kestrelkid calls.
Easy shove as I'm guaranteed 3/4. He calls pretty quickly.
Hero shows 5h Kh 4s 2d.
Hero has 5h Kh 3h 4h Ah: flush, ace high (high).
Hero has 5h 2d 3h 4h Ah: 5 4 3 2 A (low).
kestrelkid mucks cards.
(kestrelkid has 9h Kc Kd Th.)
Hand #49036060-8505 Summary:
$2.32 is raked from a pot of $58.36.
Hero wins $28.02 with flush, ace high (high).
Hero wins $28.02 with 5 4 3 2 A (low).
Perhaps my flop raise led him to believe that I didn't have a flush, but who knows?
One more hand.
Hand #49036060-8508 at Baden (Pot Limit Omaha 8/b)
Started at 11/Jan/08 02:38:36
dip-stick is at seat 0 with $7.40.
Evgeny is at seat 1 with $1.25.
cmbauza is at seat 2 with $2.87.
Ace_bombs55 is at seat 3 with $14.57.
Hero is at seat 4 with $56.04.
chb_138 is at seat 5 with $10.
adamgill is at seat 7 with $23.63.
kestrelkid is at seat 8 with $4.30.
Wolf Creek is at seat 9 with $7.71.
The button is at seat 0.
Evgeny posts the small blind of $.10.
cmbauza posts the big blind of $.25.
(chb_138 did not post OT, is sitting out.)
dip-stick: -- -- -- --
Evgeny: -- -- -- --
cmbauza: -- -- -- --
Ace_bombs55: -- -- -- --
Hero: A
adamgill: -- -- -- --
kestrelkid: -- -- -- --
Wolf Creek: -- -- -- --
Ace_bombs55 folds. Hero raises to $.85.
adamgill folds. kestrelkid calls. Wolf Creek folds.
dip-stick folds. Evgeny calls. cmbauza folds.
I read something somewhere about not wanting to raise in EP because it chases away some of the weaker hands you want in there (such as A3), but I can't imagine that applying in this game. If there were maniacs at the table I might have gone for the limp-reraise however.
Flop (board: 4
Evgeny checks. Hero bets $2.80. kestrelkid
folds. Evgeny folds. Hero is returned $2.80
Not the best flop, but I look at the remaining stack sizes. One player has $.40 left and the other has $3.45. With an overpair and a flush draw (albeit on a paired board), I don't mind getting it in with that guy for just over a pot sized bet. They both missed however and threw their hands away.
Hand #49036060-8508 Summary:
$.10 is raked from a pot of $2.80.
Hero wins $2.70.