4k Hand Mark
Well, here we are. 4,000 hands in the books. Click on the picture to get a better look.

I think it's pretty standard. My VP$IP is actually a little high for what would be considered solid numbers for micro-limit NL, even though I play less than a quarter of the hands dealt to me. Most of them have VP%IPs of around 18-19, with PF Raise % of 14 or so. I think playing a few more hands is fine, especially if you play them in position and you can play well after the flop.
Speaking of position, it should come as no surprise that I make the most money from the button ($98.29 out of my $200.42 total winnings). Playing in the prime position, even hands like 54o and J8s have become profitable for me. I play about 35% of hands from this position, and I believe that's a winning strategy. People will argue that if you play a hand such as QTs you can get into trouble if you flop top pair and your opponent happens to be holding AQ. Yes, you could be dominated, but that's where playing after the flop comes in. By having position, you can often control the betting and size of the pot, allowing you not to lose too much when that happens, and to make money when you either hit your hand or your opponent doesn't have much and you can pick up the pot.
I actually have winning numbers playing every position except the small blind, where I've taken a $53.91 loss. I also have the 2nd highest VP%IP from the SB, playing just under 30% of my hands from that position. It makes sense though. Quite a few pots are limped, and having a little money invested already, it makes sense to throw the extra $.15 with a lot of hands. After the flop I've gotten into trouble with vulnerable hands, like top pair. Dunno if there's anything I can do about this, it's just a horrible position to play.
I'm generally happy with my play though and my winrate. I'm probably running a little good (they say that anything above 8PTBBs/100 is unsustainable), but I think I'm playing a pretty solid game. I've wondered as to if I should make any changes, like bluff more or play more aggressively preflop, but I'm not going to tamper with what's working.
One final thing on UB: It appears the site has changed its methods on calculating UB points. I've been noticing that I've been getting about 1/2 of the points that I used to get. Basically instead of making a penny a hand in bonus money, I'm getting 1/2 a cent a hand. At this rate I'm just not going to clear the bonus. I am probably going to play another 1000 hands at this site and move over to Stars.
I think it's pretty standard. My VP$IP is actually a little high for what would be considered solid numbers for micro-limit NL, even though I play less than a quarter of the hands dealt to me. Most of them have VP%IPs of around 18-19, with PF Raise % of 14 or so. I think playing a few more hands is fine, especially if you play them in position and you can play well after the flop.
Speaking of position, it should come as no surprise that I make the most money from the button ($98.29 out of my $200.42 total winnings). Playing in the prime position, even hands like 54o and J8s have become profitable for me. I play about 35% of hands from this position, and I believe that's a winning strategy. People will argue that if you play a hand such as QTs you can get into trouble if you flop top pair and your opponent happens to be holding AQ. Yes, you could be dominated, but that's where playing after the flop comes in. By having position, you can often control the betting and size of the pot, allowing you not to lose too much when that happens, and to make money when you either hit your hand or your opponent doesn't have much and you can pick up the pot.
I actually have winning numbers playing every position except the small blind, where I've taken a $53.91 loss. I also have the 2nd highest VP%IP from the SB, playing just under 30% of my hands from that position. It makes sense though. Quite a few pots are limped, and having a little money invested already, it makes sense to throw the extra $.15 with a lot of hands. After the flop I've gotten into trouble with vulnerable hands, like top pair. Dunno if there's anything I can do about this, it's just a horrible position to play.
I'm generally happy with my play though and my winrate. I'm probably running a little good (they say that anything above 8PTBBs/100 is unsustainable), but I think I'm playing a pretty solid game. I've wondered as to if I should make any changes, like bluff more or play more aggressively preflop, but I'm not going to tamper with what's working.
One final thing on UB: It appears the site has changed its methods on calculating UB points. I've been noticing that I've been getting about 1/2 of the points that I used to get. Basically instead of making a penny a hand in bonus money, I'm getting 1/2 a cent a hand. At this rate I'm just not going to clear the bonus. I am probably going to play another 1000 hands at this site and move over to Stars.