Playing like shit.... or maybe not
I've had a few losing sessions and I think I'm playing pretty bad, but perhaps not. I'm getting shit for cards, getting shitty flops, and not getting to take down pots. A few hands from this weekend: I happen to be sitting with $21.90 in this hand, villain has me well covered at $85. I dunno how he got his money, had a lot when I sat down. He seems to be a decent player, 35/9/1 over a measly 25 hands I've played with him. So anyway, I get T 7 in the BB. Two off the button open limps, villain limps in CO, SB completes, I check. Flop comes T T Q . SB checks, and I check. Sometimes I would bet this, and I probably should have here. Maybe my first mistake. It is checked to button who bets a lousy $.50 and SB calls. I checkraise to $3.25 and now villain flat calls. I started to worry about a 10. I figured him as a solid player, so I couldn't see him hanging around with a draw here. Button calls the $2.75 more leaving him with $.04 left. SB folds. Turn is the harmless 2 ...