So almost a month since my last post. Way too busy with work and other stuff to really play. I did get to jump into a quick one last night, probably the most bizarre one of these that I've played on this site. Started out with just 2 people, then got up to 4, then one person got eliminated, another joined, and then there was a 3 way all-in. I'm watching at this point waiting for the end of the rebuy period to jump in, but once there was a 3 way all-in I registered just in case the big stack knocked out the other two players because it closes registration once it gets down to heads up (but not when it starts out with only two players). So one person got eliminated on that hand and he wanted to rebuy but typed in the chat that the site wouldn't let him. So we were down to two players and me. One player had almost all of the chips, the other 3k, and me with 1500k. The other two players got in a couple of all-in confrontations with the shorter stack cracking AAxx the first ha...