Here's an interesting hand that I initially thought I played really badly but after looking it over I think I might have played it ok. Preflop I have A T UTG. I raise to $4, Villain calls right behind me, all else fold. This particular villain has been in quite a few pots, and likes to bet a lot when checked to. He's bet in position and folded to two minraises recently. Flop ($9.50) K 7 8 I check, he bets $4, I raise to $16, he makes it $48, I stick it in for $71.15. Good flop for me. Flush draw and an overcard. I decide to check to him based on my read. I get some value out of his nothing hands, and I might be able to fold out the weaker king hands (such as KT or lower if he called with that) or a hand like 99, which would probably call the flop. Alright so I checkraise and he reraises me pretty quickly. I thought his range was pretty wide. Likely a king, perhaps smaller diamonds (8 x also likely), a straight draw, or even a combo draw like T 9 or 6 5 . He could also have...